𝙓𝙓𝙑. 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙤 𝙬𝙚 𝙢𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣

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"The Grim!"

The dog leaped over us, the shaggy hair hanging off their side flying in the air as he jumped at Ron.

"Ron!" I was close to jumping for him when two arms wrapped around my middle, pulling me back as the dog caught Ron's leg and dragged him across the dewy grass. I fought against Hannah's grip but it was no use as the dog had already dragged Ron down a hole in the bottom of the tree.

His screams made my body freeze, the idea of something hurting him made my heart hurt more than I could describe.

"(Y/N), we'll get him," Hannah said gently into my ear, looking at the tree at was swing overhead us. Harry looked to me, taking in the single tear that had made his way down my cheek.

He nodded once, then took off running at the tree. The branch swung widely, hitting him in the stomach that sent him flying backward. I jumped from Hannah's arm, running to Harry to check for any sign of injury. I picked up his shirt lightly, seeing a red mark across his stomach where the branched had hit him. He grabbed the end of his shirt, pulling it back down and looking at me.

"I'm brilliant, really."

His voice was even when he spoke and as he tried standing up he flinches. He wasn't anywhere near brilliant but he refused to let me look at it so it wasn't my job I suppose. I turned, Hannah stood in the same place as before, Hermione trying to dodge the branches and she had almost made it until one caught her arm.

I would've checked on Hermione but by the time I could stand up she was dusting the dirt from her pants and looking for another way around the tree. I reached for my wand, gripping it as if I had an idea but the truth was, I didn't know what I was doing.

I watched Harry trip over a rock, his body flying forward as he dodged another branch. His hand patted the ground as he looked for what seemed to be his glasses. I looked at Hermione, who was jumping on a branch?

Her hands gripped it tightly, her screams pierced the sky as she made her way closer to Harry, who had just found his glasses. One of her hands grabbed his windbreaking and threw him down the whole. Hermione followed soon after, jumping from the branch down the hole.

Hannah and I stood in wonder, trying to figure out our own way as there wasn't any way we would do that. I tapped my foot on the ground, panic filling me like a teacup. I threw both my hands in the air, going to cover my face with both hands.

"Holy shit," Hannah muttered under her breath.

"Hannah I don't think-"

"No look!"

I rolled my eyes, looking back to the willow to see it had completely stopped angrily throwing itself around but simply flowing in the wind. I was shocked, to say the least, looking at Hannah who was jumping on her toes.

"Look what you did," she pointed again, jogging quickly to the hole at the bottom of the tree.

"No, I didn't, I didn't even say a spell."

I looked to the wand in my hand, wondering did the secret wand core have something to do with this wordless magic thing.

"I don't know, I just saw some yellow light hit the tree and it stopped, come one."

I ran, jumping down the hole as everyone else had done, and slid down the dirt slide. Hannah stood at the bottom, still bouncing on her toes.

"You did that."

"Not a soul can know," I stood up, looking at her with drawn eyebrows as I dusted the dirt off my pants. She pouted, turning around to follow the footprints that lead wherever Harry and Hermione were.

"Why not?"

"I don't even know what happened, if someone else finds out and uses it against me I'm ruined."

Hannah thought my words over but nodded. She held her wrist out with her bracelet, waiting for a first bump. I returned it smiling as we came up a set of stairs, the dog prints slowly disappearing. Hannah and I took two steps at a time.

I heard what sounded like a small scream for a room no far from where we stood. I hurried as I heard Ron cracked voice.

Without thinking I found the room the most voice was coming from, hurrying to push the door open. I looked to my left to see three shocked faces, looking at me with worried eyes. I looked to my right to see one of the most embarrassing moments I've experienced.

Sirius Black, a mass-murderer, gripping his nose after my dramatically hitting him with it.

Hannah came in behind me, taking in the screen the same way I did.

"Did you just hit a murder with a door?"

I slowly nodded, watching as Sirius Black opened his eyes and looked me up and down, causing shivers to run up my back.

"Might wanna use that thing we were talking about," Hannah whispered as we slowly backed farther away from him and closer to Harry.

"Nonsense, I will get want I came here for and nobody will stop me," Black stood with his wand held tightly in his wand and I wondered how he got it after years in Azkaban but said nothing.

I didn't need to be the one talking at this moment.

Suddenly the door flew open again, only this time Sirius back away and looked to enter. Lupin stood with his wand drew, pointing at Sirius with stone-cold eyes.

Sirius's back hit something, his body tumbling to the floor as he looked up at Lupin.

"You look like a beast," Lupin spoke, raising his eyebrow at him.

"Oh Rem, you'd know all about a beast."

They both slowly broke out into a smile, Remus putting his wand away as he extended his hand and pulled up Sirius. As Sirius was pulled up, I caught the tattoo on his collarbone that said "Padfoot" and now the same name was printed on the map.

The other name that was printed on that map was Mooney, or who I believed to be Lupin.

"They're friends."


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