Chapter 9: Use Your Heart

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AN: A Lesson of Love was intended as a one-shot but it clearly became more than that, and I'm glad it did! Thank you to all our readers and those of you who took the time to also vote and comment. And to our future readers, we hope you enjoy it too. And things_i_imagine, cheers, we did it!  

Between them both, neither have really focused on the house. You can tell that everything is perfunctorily being presented. Because both of their minds are stuck on that conversation they just shared.

A very telling conversation.

Zuri felt relieved. Relieved that she had the courage to be honest with her and honest with herself. Normani felt like questions were answered. Questions that had been looming since.

Separately, both are things they wanted for years.

A big step was made. Finally.

Normani walks behind Zuri a few paces away. Zuri is ahead of her as she announces the minor home amenities worth bringing attention to.

They get to that last part of the home, and she gestures with her hand. "And, of course, what's considered the prize of it all..." She opens the glass door to the outdoor rooftop deck.

Normani steps forward, admiring the view. Admiring the outdoor space the deck provides.

"It's nice, isn't it?"

Normani nods. "Mhm, love it."

Zuri smiles at her response. Her phone buzzes. She quickly looks down as Normani becomes preoccupied with observing her surroundings.

It's a text from Coco. She reads the preview:

"Babe, guess what?! We had lunch catered and it's..."

Zuri has to unlock her phone to see the remainder of the text, which, when she opens it, displays a picture of food. The realization of what it is invites a smile.

She quickly replies, "Awww! This brings back sooo many memories!"

Coco reads the text. She chews her food and smiles, thinking back on one of the first times they met.


Zuri rolls her eyes and retreats from her manager's office. Lately, all they seem to do is fight. She's pretty sure they'll be okay in the end, but something seemed to always put them at odds.

Going downstairs, she recalls their ongoing argument about the direction of her career. The good news was that while labels are interested in signing her, they want her to be an artist that isn't true to herself.

At first, Zuri considered it, just happy that record labels wanted to hand her a contract. But after conversations with some of her friends and her family, she was reminded of some of the issues that come with artists portraying false images.

"Leaving already?" a voice asks, breaking Zuri's reverie. She spots Coco Jones, daughter of Faizon Jones and Zuri's manager.

Zuri offers a half-smile and nods. "Possibly."

Coco's eyes narrow. "Let me guess. Got into another fight with my dad?"

At this Zuri laughs and sizes up the girl good-naturedly. "Aren't you observant?"

Coco chuckles and watches as Zuri reaches the very bottom of the staircase. "I can't take all the credit. My ears just work."

Zuri sways her head in amusement. "So you know what's going on then."

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