Chapter 17 Polyplax POV

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Polyplax tried to thrash around, call for help, but Honey--Wasp had her claws fastened around his neck, able to snap his neck any second. It's not my time to die, not yet anyways. He thought when Wasp threatened him.

Being led to Wasp hive again was a dread, and he tried to figure a way out. "Listen to me, Polyplax." Wasp's voice came from the possessed dragon. "I thought you were worthy...and you were special to me. You were like the son I never had. But ever since your...flamesilk burnt my eyes, I've haven't been able to control my subjects the same way I've been able to."

Polyplax's eyes widened. "Then how are you able to control Honeycomb?" He asked, his curiosity widely open.

"If you really want to know, I stabbed this dragon's egg more than I was supposed to."

"Stabbed? Didn't you make me stab some eggs?" There was a long pause when Wasp finally said, "Those plants I gave you--you know, the black ones-- I shouldn't say any more than I already have."

"Where are you taking me?"

"You know, I would normally throw dragons in the dungeon, but since you've been such a loyal and friendly subject, I'm going to kill you." She said in a cold hiss.

They finally reached the hives and dove into the most secured cells. Polyplax felt dread in his heart as he was harshly thrown into a cell, guards standing by. They looked surprised to see the queen's apprentice, well, former apprentice, in this type of cell. He waved sheepishly at his friends, because they wouldn't be his friends for long.

The guard shoved him in lightly and reluctantly, unsure whether they were supposed to throw him in or Honeycomb. They looked at Honeycomb, met her eyes, and looked away. They locked the cage and put a muzzle on his horned snout. It took them a while, for the HiveWings didn't lock up HiveWing prisoners; they killed them.

The guard watched for a while; they didn't speak to him, he guessed they were forbidden to. "Hello!" A cheery voice said. "My turn to watch the super important prisoner, right?" The guards groaned and then nodded. "Alright. I'll watch him like a hawk."

One guard hesitated to say something. "You're not supposed to talk to this one, Honeybee. The Queen forbids it." Honeybee. That sounds familiar.

"Oh, that's too bad. I would have loved to talk to him..." Honeybee's cheerful attitude faded, her wings drooping and a frown was on her face. The guard rolled their eyes and slithered up the stairs leading to the flamesilk dungeon.

"Hey there, prisoner." Honeybee's excited face was back, as if she shrugged off the guards' words. "I know I'm not supposed to talk with you, but no other guards are down here, and I get bored easily." She explained. guard? I could take her on. But how would I get the key...

Polyplax pointed to his snout, where the muzzle was. Honeycomb frowned at the muzzle.

"You poor thing. Here, let's make a deal. I take off your muzzle and you don't report me to the guards or queen." Polyplax nodded vigorously. "No biting, okay?" Honeybee unlocked the muzzle and jumped back.

"But you're not supposed to talk to me." Polyplax said, rubbing his nose.

"I'll take a risk to get some company." She joked, a grin spreading on her face. "Besides, you look like you have stories to tell."

Polyplax studied her carefully, then jolted up. Or tried to, anyway. There were still chains on him pinning him down.

"Honeybee! Hibiscus told me about you."

"You know Hibiscus? That's great! The sweetie was so nice!" Honeybee squealed delightfully.

"Do you know where she is?" Polyplax asked, hopefully.

"I'm afraid not, sorry." Polyplax's wings drooped. A voice rang out out of nowhere. "TIME FOR THE EXECUTION OF PEST THE HIVEWING." It boomed.

Hearing his old nickname stung him. They still didn't care about him. Honeybee, out of despair, sloppily threw on the muzzle. She fastened it on, then stood back and acted like she was looking at her claws the whole time. "Honeybee," Polyplax choked on his words. "Tell Hibiscus I said goodbye."

He was going to get executed in front of his whole tribe, with them knowing he was a traitor.

The Pest and the Flower: a wof fanfiction by Pastellar and Snowfox the IceWingWhere stories live. Discover now