Author's note

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Hello people, my name is Disha Gupta. I am an engineer by profession and a writer by heart. My whole life, I've written many poems stored in my notes or scraped off on a handful of notebooks somewhere. This is for the first time I'm trying to be a writer not just a poet.

I would love to have your feedback, suggestions, and interests in my comment section, it would help me to improve my writing skills by visiting them from time to time.


I write to stay connected with my emotions.

Sometimes life throws you to rock bottom and laughs at you, I don't want to victimize myself for any bad memories I have, rather I want to laugh back at my dear life showing it a brave grin on my radiant face.

I write so that I don't reflect my terrible experiences in my behavior. So that I won't carry it forward and lose my hope in humanity. I'm afraid to lose my kindness in the process, but writing occasionally takes me out in an open space to give me a chance to breathe again. A chance to cherish my traits and to embrace the person I am.

I write to feel that yes, true love may exist in this sick generation as well.

I write on behalf of all the people who somewhere, at some point in their lives have to listen to this thing out of their "friend's" mouth that you are way too emotional, way too sensitive, or way too dramatic rather than accepting you as you are. You should improve.

So, here I'm improving ;)

In a nutshell, I write to be my real self. I use it as an escape from what others expect me to be. To accept what I am or what I feel.

And tbh I love it ♡

Side note: Always know your self-worth ^_^

Thank you so much, Happy reading!
Yours ~_~

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