Chapter 10

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chapter Ten

Was Song Luan struck by him so hard that he could not wake up? But she really didn't dare to sell miserably in front of Zhao Nanyu. She swallowed her mouth and shrank away without traces. She smiled and said, "It's my shallow sleep, it's not your business."

How dare she blame him.

Zhao Nanyu was stunned and murmured lowly. Song Luan's face was burned by his deep eyes, and his eyes flickered away from him.

The moonlight is bright and the atmosphere is ambiguous.

Suddenly, Zhao Nanyu leaned over and rubbed inward, leaning on her ear with one hand, looking down at her deeply for a while, then lowering her face slowly, almost all of her soft lips were almost touching her cheeks.

Song Luan's pale fingers clenched the bed sheet under him, and his body was softened by his scorching eyes. Her face was getting red and even her ears were red.

Zhao Nanyu naturally didn't let go of the change in the expression on her face. He actually found it quite interesting. Song Luan, a woman who had never blushed before him, was not shy.

The bright moonlight shines on her delicate face, if the skin is creamy, delicate and smooth, if the face is powdered, and the skin is rosy, this pair of delicate flowers resembles a delicate flower, which evokes Zhao Nanyu's sleep hidden deep inside beast. There is a little bit of wanting to torture her.

Song Luan panicked, silently pulling the quilt up, "Continue to sleep."

Zhao Nanyu suddenly reached out and clasped her back neck, her red eyes flashed like a wolf, her cool lips slowly slipped across her chin, just when Song Luan thought he was going to do something to her, It can almost be said that the man covering her let go.

"Well, sleep." He said lightly.

Song Luan lay straight beside him, and his brain was about to explode. Zhao Nanyu seemed to be very close to her, but in fact she could see that his cold eyes were not really true. I don't know what it's like to pinch and rub tonight?

But there is still a good thing, Song Luan felt that the killing intention in his eyes was much better than the first time he saw him.

It's just that her back neck was hurt by him.

She was miserable, backache and mouthache.

Zhao Nanyu's work and rest are surprisingly regular. No matter how late he rested the night before, he woke up at 90 o'clock the next day.

When he opened his eyes, it was no surprise that Song Luan's limbs were all on her, and his delicate wrists held his waist tightly, and the whole person shrank in his arms, like a newborn milk cat. Yes, he was not guarded.

Zhao Nanyu glanced and sighed, not knowing whether he was sighing for his kindness or her ignorance. In fact, he didn't hate her too much at the moment. Song Luan had a sweet fragrance on his body and held it in his arms. It's soft, always uncomfortable, and comfortable.

After he got up, he washed and changed clothes, and after using his morning meal, the woman on the bed was still sleeping soundly, and he did not wake her up, so she went to the palace to face up.

Song Luan slept very sleepily. When the sky was completely light, she woke up. She didn't see Zhao Nanyu when she opened her eyes. She was in a better mood. She got up from the bed in a humming tone and began to dress slowly.

She feels that Zhao Nanyu doesn't look as brutal as he originally wrote. She looks beautiful and delicate. Although her heart is broken, as long as you don't offend him, he won't remember you in his heart.

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