Chapter 8

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No kit pic today, sorry. :(

Silvermoon was definitely going to have kits. Her belly just kept getting bigger and bigger. Silvermoon and Stormstone both started to worry, but neither of them told the other.

"This probably is how every queen looks before she kits." Stormstone said.

"I bet there are four. Four beautiful kits!" Silvermoon said proudly. But no matter what they said, they still worried. And Silvermoon kept getting bigger and bigger. Her belly dragged on the ground whenever she stood up and walked, so she usually could be found lying on her side. Every once in a while, she could feel a kick.

"The kits will probably come any day now." Silvermoon said.

"It'll be ok. I'll see if I can get Tangledstar or Herbpaw to tell me anything about what to do when a queen kits." Stormstone told her.

The next day, Stormstone went to Silvermoon's cave earlier than usual. When he arrived, he ran to Silvermoon's side and licked her ears.

"How do you feel today?" He asked.

"Not so good." Silvermoon panted.

"Do you want some water? Maybe some prey?" Stormstone asked.

"No. I don't think I can eat anything." She said softly. They heard a gasp.

"STORMSTONE! HOW COULD YOU?" A shrill she-cat shrieked. Stormstone spun around. Fleetfoot stood at the entrance to the cave. She glared at Stormstone.

"You were leading me on! All this time, all this time I thought we had something special! But you've been going behind my back with this foxdung!" She yowled.


"Save it mouseface! Who is that fat hunk of lousy foxdung and crowfood anyway?"

"Don't talk about Silvermoon like that!" Fleetfoot gasped again.

"It's the murdering she-cat! You've sneaking to see her? Stormstone! Have you lost your mind? She's using you! She wants to get into the clan! She's going to murder Amberkit!"

"Does she look in any state to go murdering kits right now? She's having kits herself!"

"She's your mate? Mousebrain! Foxdung for fur! Crowfood head!" Fleetfoot shouted.

"She's not really a murderer! She was framed by Jaggedclaw! You have to believe me!"

"Believe you? You've been lying to me this whole time! You say she's not a kit murderer? I'll show you a kit murderer!" Fleetfoot unsheathed her claws and lunged forward, aiming to stab her clans into Silvermoon. Stormstone jumped forward, knocking Fleetfoot to the side and away from Silvermoon.

Fleetfoot stood up and slashed Stormstone's face, and he hissed in anger and pain. She tried to dart around him and get at Silvermoon, but he pounced on her and used his weight to hold her to the ground. She squirmed and kicked, then suddenly used all of her energy to jump upwards. Stormstone flew off of her and landed on the ground a little ways away. Fleetfoot scrambled to her feet and lunged at Silvermoon. Silvermoon scrambled to get out of the way, but she didn't get very far.

Fleetfoot landed on top of Silvermoon and dug her claws in. Silvermoon yowled, and Stormstone rushed forward and yanked Fleetfoot away. Fleetfoot twisted and hissed, and Stormstone struggled to hold her down.

Suddenly, more cats appeared in the cave entrance. Two cats yanked Fleetfoot and Stormstone apart. When Stormstone looked up, he realized that it was Croweye. Croweye was a black tom who worked around camp. He let Stormstone stand up, but watched him. Fleetfoot was being held down by Goldenspirit, a tan she-cat.

"What is the meaning of this?" Morningstar demanded.

"It's her! It's that kit murderer Silvermoon! Stormstone was trying to protect her!" Fleetfoot yelled, wiggling to get free. Goldenspirit held her down. Morningstar looked at Silvermoon who was lying on the ground, too tired to get up. Then she looked at Stormstone.

"Is this true Stormstone?" She asked.

"Yes. But she's not what you think! She's innocent! Jaggedclaw framed her!" Stormstone explained. Morningstar's eyes hardened.

"No matter what you say, she still is guilty, at least until proven innocent. She will be taken to one of the caves and held there, with two guards at all times. We will ask Tangledstar what to do with her." Morningstar said.

"But Tangledstar doesn't know the truth!" Stormstone said.

"Stormstone, you have hidden a cat from another clan in our territory, right across from our camp. To make it worse, she is a known kit killer. And you have mates with her. The blood of her kits is on your claws. You are no longer deputy. Let Pastclan hear an approve of my choice! Fleetfoot is the new deputy!" Morningstar declared. Stormstone sagged.

"You are not to see Silvermoon ever again." Morningstar said finally. Fleetfoot was allowed to climb to her feet, then she walked off with her tail held high. Morningstar followed her, and Croweye and Goldenspirit led Silvermoon away. Stormstone's world was crashing down around him, and he could do nothing to stop it.

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