☆》𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 10《☆

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Since Abigail is working it the same building, I sometimes get to see her practice her singing in the studio. Watching her sing reminds me when I first started singing, practicing every single day with teachers, and making recordings. She has improved so much but something was odd about her. She began watching Korean movies with no subtitles and studying more, she was never really interested in learning Korean and she's never told me the reason why she was learning it. My hyungs even told me that she has been hanging out them too and having conversations in Korean. She is a very smart girl and her mind can't stop thinking of new ideas, just her eomma, Y/n was always like that, suggesting ideas for my songs or creating new recipes for dinner. Abigail reminds me so much about her.

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Today we released our teaser for our new song Dynamite. This week was a lot of photoshoots and interviews which was extremely busy. My hyungs and I were in a middle of an argument of how to be a Dad 101 since they had their children they are trying to give the best advice for each other but this time they were just insulting.

"Jin I think you need to teach your son that being handsome doesn't get you anywhere!" Namjoon spat

"Ok but what example are you giving to Peter, you keep breaking all of his toys, and have you told him who's the one breaking them, no!" Jin yelled

Before having a family, they would be arguing about food or dancing. Like the dumpling incident with Taehyung and Jimin, that was almost 5 years ago. But now they are fighting of who's the best appa or making the best choice for their family. When you live with these guys since you were 15, all the weird things they did are not weird anymore, like I mentioned before they are like brothers.

"Guys this conversation is not going anywhere, Manager PD will come to see how we're doing and he's going to see that we are not focusing!" Yoongi pointed out

"Yeah Jin, your face is not going to save you this time!" Namjoon spat


Manager PD came to check on us but instead, he came with the members fighting,

"Whatever you guys were arguing about needs to stop, I brought you guys food, since you were supposed to be working"

Namjoon and Jin glare at each other, he places the takeout boxes he had in a bag on the table. All the members quickly grab a box and start eating

"Wah, Manager thank you so much!" Jimin exclaimed

"Here Jungkook this one's yours"

Manager hands me a box and chopsticks, I was about to go back with my hyungs when Manger pulls me aside

"Oh Jungkook, I want to talk to you outside privately" he whispers

Did I do something wrong? I wondered. We walked out of the room so the other members couldn't hear

"So have been talking to Abigail and she enrolled herself  to work at this company but I told her that you would have to talk to your appa for his permission"

so this is why she was learning Korean, to work at any company requires you to speak Korean or know a little bit but we never taught Abigial Korean, she knew just a little bit, now I see why she was learning.

"Oh she didn't mention this to me, I will have to think about it before making any decision" I replied

"Okay, but if you do let her in the only condition is that she cannot let anyone know about her identity you know how this thing works if anyone knows what that she is going to be famous anything can happen to her, from false information to people threatening her. The world is a dangerous place, and this is for her protection, if she breaks this rule, unfortunately, we would have to kick her out of the program."

This is exactly why I didn't want Abigail to be famous, it is a lot of pressure and work for a teenager, but she has been working hard on her songs, and I did tell her I will help her and support her. Would I be making the wrong choice if I don't let her in? What would Y/n do in this case? She would 100% support her and be with her at all times. I don't want to have another fight with her again.

"ll let you think about" Manager was about to leave but I think I had already made a decision,

"Wait, Manager, I have made my decision, you have my permission she can work here but I will have to talk to her before telling her"

The manager nods his head,

"Alright awesome, here's the contract, all she needs to do is sign it and she's in"

he hands me a big white envelope.

"Thank you" I bow and go back to the room with the members, Jimin sees me come in,

"Hey Jungkook, where were you, we were waiting to practice the choreography?" he asked

"Oh um, I was just in the washroom" I lied

I didn't want everyone to know the problems I had with my family, I didn't want to worry them and stress about something that I can handle. I'll tell them once I tell Abigail first.

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Even though we are 3 people in our family, the house gets messy especially the dishwasher it always gets filled. It's Friday which means it's Abigail's turn to wash the leftover dishes I was helping her dry the plates and putting them back on the shelves. This was the perfect time to ask Abigail about the good news.

"So Abigail I've noticed you have been watching some Korean shows, how come?"  I asked

She started to feel nervous and hesitated on the question

"Um well it looked interesting" she stuttered

I raised my eyebrow knowing that she was lying

"Ugh okay you got me, so I auditioned to work for BigHit and they told me that they needed to ask for your permission, I was going to tell you but I didn't know how to ask you" she mumbled

"Abigail why didn't you tell me earlier, I could have helped you, I have done this process before?"

"Yeah I know but I thought you wouldn't get upset or angry because I didn't tell you" she sighed

"Well I spoke to Manager PD and I told him that you were able to join"

her eyes lit up with excitement,

"Jinjaya, thank you so much!" she hugs me tightly and starts crying a little

"Honey, I'm not upset with you, I'm proud that you are doing what you love, I've seen you become better every time you go there I know you'll become the best producer and singer just like her eomma"

She nods her head and wipes her tears,

"Ok thanks appa, I love you"  she whispers

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