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^rememember to play the song if u want!^

^rememember to play the song if u want!^

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"YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A MOM!" The boy teased you. His friends joined in, shouting things like, "ugly!", "fat!", "parentless!", and "airhead!" You were sitting on the ground, your eyes tearing up. You quickly stood up and attempted to run, but one of the little monsters pushed you into a puddle. Your favorite monkey backpack, and sky blue light up shoes, were now soaked.

"You wanted to splash in some puddles, right!" The boys laughed. Your six year old self was trembling as you sat in the water, freezing. Your vision became blurry, as tears filled your eyes.

"Beat it! Leave her alone." You overheard a boy shout. The bullies went quiet. "Let's get out of here!" They said, before running out of the playground. You continued to bury your face in your hands as you sobbed. The boy bent down to your height and draped a dark purple jacket with a large yellow smiley face around you.

Your shaking stopped, as the feeling of shock overcame you. Who was being so kind to you?

"You should go home and dry off. You might catch a cold...Get home safe." He whispered. You hesitatingly looked up to see who the boy was, but he had already walked away. He was intimidatingly tall for a little boy. With your blurred vision, and the light drizzle of rain that was coming down from the clouded sky, you couldn't even tell what his hair color was.

You never saw the boy again, but kept his jacket,

in hopes to return it one day.

-', notes ꒱ ↷🖇🥛

i wonder who the boy was...

hope your enjoying so far!

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