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"UGH! YOUR MIDDLE BLOCKER HAS SOME NERVE!!" You shouted angrily at Ukai, as you frustratingly played your video game on the floor. Ukai was sulked on the coach, reading through a newspaper.

"That should make you want to go to school even more." He muttered through his lips, a cigarette placed in between them. You paused the game and looked back at him. "Why would I wanna?"

"To get your revenge. You let him win." Ukai sat up, folding his newspaper. You rolled your eyes, as it was clear he was just trying to convince you to attend school. "Forget it."

"Come on, mei!" He sat down on the floor next to you, leaning back onto the couch. "It'll give you a chance to get your payback everyday! Right now, he thinks he's had the last word!"

You pursed your lips. You had to admit, it was a tempting offer. "What about the store?"

"I work while you go to your classes, and you work after school when I coach! If we need to, we can cut the store hours, or hire another worker!"

You turned to his beaming face. "You really want me to go to school, don't you?" You asked, picking up a pair of chopsticks and grabbing a rice ball off the coffee table.

"I want what's best for you." He placed his hand on your shoulder. "I want you to get a good job and live a good life."

"Mmmmmmm...." You thought as you chewed on a rice ball.

"How about this. You attend Karasuno for the rest of the school year-"


"Hear me out. If you don't like it, I'll let you drop out, and I won't force you to go back ever again. But you have to make it through the whole year. No matter how much you scream and cry, I won't let you drop out before then."

"Damn." You cursed. Ukai gave a mischievous smirk. "It's a great deal isn't it?"

"...It is..." You admitted. The thought of possibly getting bullied by bratty girls, constant studying, and seeing Blondie's face everyday sickened you.

But if you didn't like it, you could drop out,


"Oji." You placed down your chopsticks and turned to him.

"You have a deal."

-', (notes) ꒱ ↷🖇🥛

soon, you will be attending Karasuno!
do you think it'll go smoothly?

...if you said yes, think again.

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