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short story 3

IN TSUKKI'S BACK YARD, you helped him practice volleyball, bumping the ball back and fourth. "I feel me bumping the ball to you isn't helping much." You said, hitting the ball in his direction with your wrist. "It isn't." He admitted, bumping it back to you.

"WHAT?" You shouted, letting the ball fall to the ground. "Then why are we still doing this? You need to prepare for finals!" You ran over to your bag and grabbed your phone.

"What are you doing?" He asked, watching you aggressively type into your phone.


"You invited them...to my house?" Tsukki asked annoyed, as he watched you let in Hinata, Kageyama, Noya, and Tanaka inside. "Let's play some volleyball!" Hinata cheered, running out the back door to the backyard.

"We're playing a practice game!" You smiled, closing the front door and following the team outside.

"3 v 3."

"How are we going to play 3 v 3 when there's only 5 members here?" Tsukki questioned as the two of you stepped outside with the others. You pointed to yourself.

"I shall be the sixth player!"

"Do you even know the rules-" Tsukki remarked, and you slapped his arm. "OF COURSE I DO! Kageyama, Tsukki, and Hinata, right side. Tanaka and Noya, you're with me." You commanded, picking up the volleyball and walking to the imaginary end line.

"You're going to set?" Kageyama asked on the other side of the net. You stared at him intensely. "Don't think I can do?" You hissed. Kageyama gave a fake scared smile. "Oh no! I'm so scared!" He joked.

You twirled the ball in your hand. You took a few steps and threw the ball in the air.

"Jump serve?" Tsukki whispered.

You pushed off the balls of your feet and smacked the ball. It traveled over the net and landed right at the edge of the imaginary line. The boys stared at the ground in shock. Noya slowly turned to you.

"...THAT WAS AWESOME!" He shouted, pumping his fist in the air.

Hinata shivered. "Just be glad we aren't playing against her in a real match."

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