Everything that could be use against Trump is already out there.
His "Grab them by the pussy" video was used in the last election, and he still won.
Him saying he only ran as a Republican because they were the only one stupid enough to vote for him didn't stop his voters from voting.
"Rapist Mexican" has already been used by the media.
Rape/sexual harassment charges hasn't worked so far.
Trump is a racist card will not work either.
It didn't work last time, then what makes you think it'll work now?
In his followers defense though, he's been a Democrat for decades and only now that he's a "conservative" he's a racist?
Either he was a racist and the Left ignored it because he was a beloved Hollywood celebrity , or he's not a racist, and he's just a narcissistic in your face kind guy.
Can't have it both ways, we're living in a confusing time people.
Confusing time.
He has no filter. That's why his followers love him, and others despises him.
That works to his advantage.
His following base are willing to go out in vote for him, and they've already done that, and they were in the minority at the time.
You can't make mud any dirtier, by putting more dirt in.
Everyone already know what Trump's character is like, the Left already exposed his provable misdeeds.
Keep adding on to it will only make his supporters, and those who don't like him immune to anything he does, or say because by then, we are use to it.
And it becomes Trump being Trump.
That in it self is his weapon, now even if he did do something really bad people who like him will defend him no matter what.
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