| Chapter 18 |

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I decided to wear a white dress that comes to mid thigh and has a x-cross at the chest area with a red matte lips to match with my heels. It makes the outfit much better when a colour stands out.

After curling my hair, I call Macy... I need to tell her what happened between me and Hunter. But she doesn't pick up, which is odd. Very odd.

A knock comes in which makes me startle, causing me to drop my phone. "Come in." I shout as I bend down to grab my phone.

"Damn..." A familiar voice trails off and I turn to see him focusing on my butt. I roll my eyes, getting up.

"Hunter, there's something I need to tell you." I say, wishing I wouldn't say this but its for the best.

"Your breaking up with Liam?" He asks, feeling excited.

"No. Actually, its the opposite." I tell him and his face drops. "Whatever happened between us, try to forget it. I want to give Liam a chance. Half of the things I done with you, I haven't done with my own boyfriend."

"The boyfriend that you fucking cheated with." He says, venom evident in his voice.

"Hunter! I'm sorry but we weren't made for each other." I tell him, almost shouting.

"How was my acting?" Hunter asks.

Where did this come from? "What on earth are you on about?" I question him, I'm so fucking confused.

"You don't need to worry you were only meant to be a fuck around, but since you ain't giving in, i'll just fuck Kellie." Hunter admits, slamming the door behind him.

No way in hell is he going to bang up Kellie Thompson, the girl that I despise and all of them know that. I take deep breaths and mumble to myself. "What the actual heck did I just do?"


We left for the party after a few minutes of the incident I had with Hunter and Liam didn't compliment me but I know Hunter would've. Fuck. It seems like I'm finding harder to forget about him than he is, since Hunter is snogging someone, which happens to be Kellie Thompson... insert vomit emojis here.

I roll my eyes at the image and then smile when I see Liam coming towards me with two drinks in hard. "Here I got you vodka."

Shaking my head, I tell him. "I don't drink Liam."

"Just for one night." He says and I give in after seeing him pleading with his dark brown almost black eyes.

"Alright, then." One night wouldn't hurt. The familiar burn goes through the back of my throat and flashbacks begin happening, I start to remember why I stopped drinking.

"See? It's doesn't taste that bad." Liam tells me.

"I know how it tastes. I just quit drinking about a year ago." I admit, I can't lie when I say in was a heavy drinker.

He doesn't say anything when he leaves me alone except from giving me a one sided hug which i return. I go to the kitchen to find if i can have some company.

"Jordyn." Tristan nods as I come into his view.

"Hey." I say softly before taking a seat on the stool opposite him.

"You know..." T starts, "Hunt isn't that bad."

"I know T. It's just I'd hate to break Liam's heart and we've only became official yesterday." Which felt longer than it seems.

"Did he ask you to break up with Liam?" T questions.

"Yeah after we kissed last night--" I begin but T cuts me off.

"What kiss?"

I bite my lip, anxious. "Hunter didn't tell you?"

"No, what the fuck." He swears and mumbles something incoherent to himself.

"Yeah..." I trail off, "We also nearly had--"

"Sex!?" Tristan cuts me off once again, shouting a word that got so many people giving us weird looks.

"But we didn't. It was just a very heated kiss." I clarify to him to make sure he knows me and Hunter didn't do the deed. As much I would love to, I don't want my old reputations to come back, which was... fucking boys.

"Woah! I for sure did not expect that... Are you ever going to break up with Liam."

"I don't know, unless he gives me a reason to. I have feelings for Liam." Feelings that are slowly going away.

"Well it was nice talking to you Jords I need to meet up with Mace-" His eyes widen at the name he just mentioned.

"Mace... as in my best friend, Macy?" I question him, and he nods and I grin to myself, I always did ship them two. "Don't break her heart!" I shout out when he leaves the kitchen.

"I'll try not to!" He shouts back and I roll my eyes. I'm happy for her. I have the last sip of the same vodka Liam gave me before closing my eyes, resting my head on shoulders. Maybe because I haven't drank in so long but head is buzzing.


I wake up to a dark room and I was about to scream for help but the light switches on to reveal dark red walls and my boyfriend.. Liam.

"You went to sleep in the kitchen, so just decided to bring you upstairs where there's a bed."

"Why didn't you just wake me up and take me home?" I question my head feeling dizzy.

"Are you telling me what to do?" Liam asks, sounding a bit angry and vigorously shake my head which only made me feel more sick. He comes closer as my eyes to begin shutting once more. "Let's have some fun." Liam whispers in my ear, hovering me.

"Get. Off. Me." I grit through teeths, trying to push him off but I've become weak. He airs me and pushes the end of my dress upwards, revealing my panties. "Please, don't."

"I'll do what the fuck i want." He growls and tells someone to pass him protection and duct tape to stop me from screaming. It's now that I realise there's two other boys with Liam.

"Help! They're rap--" I couldn't say anything else because he taped me and made one of the boys to hold my arms which I try to wiggle out of but i can't since his grasp is harsh.

My ears start ringing and my eyes start watering, so it was difficult for me to understand what they were saying. But I heard Liam say "Start the tape" I would've wipes my tears but I couldn't since my hands were held back. I blinked several times to see a guy with a camera, who I have noticed looks familiar to the one who's holding me down. My eyes are getting blurry again.

"Hunter!" I shout out, even though I know he won't be able to hear me because he is most likely downstairs where the loud music blares.

He rips my underwear off and enters and I cry from the pain. No I am not a virgin, I used hump and dump all the time but I stopped after something traumatic happened to me.


Well... I just want to beat the shit out of Liam. I just want to address getting rape happens often around the world and I just want to make sure everyone is aware. If this chapter didn't surprise you the next might... maybe.

Enjoy whilst your here peeps and before you slide to go one the next chapter...

Vote and Comment :)

- bella-faye

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