| Chapter 26*|

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The day went surprisingly fast after we ate lunch. Thank goodness Tristan didn't mention anything, as for Macy, well she kept rambling on how I should wait to have you know.. sex.

Tia and Harry left the dorm straight after they finished eating and i am so glad that his girlfriend isn't some snotty and uptight blonde bimbo... instead she is a nice and sweet blonde haired girl. I think the society gives off a lot of hate towards blonde  girls but as long as i remain as brunette i don't really care. 

Macy's mother had called her, asking where she is and she better not be with me. Obviously my devious friend lied and had told her mother that she is in her dorm. "Sorry Jords, i gotta go back to my dorm now,  just in case mother comes."

"Don't stress about it. Shall I walk you back?"

"You better not, unless you want mother to see that im still around you" She tells me... oh yeah forgot about that bitch for a millisecond. "But i'll see you tomorrow when we go out with Tia right?"

"Umm.. yeah" I don't want to go but why should i stop the girls from having fun.


"Bye" i answer back in a mere whisper.

Even though Tristan wanted to go with Macy she said no as her mother might be annoyed from her having a.. fling!?!?

"Jordyn?"  i hear a masculine voice.

I turn around to see its Shawn "yeah?"

"Um so... you know Kelly-"

"Yes.. unfortunately i know that bitch" i roll my eyes.

""Well, how do i say this?"

"Say what Shawn? Do not tell me you fancy her!"

"Ew, what the fuck no!" Shawn shouts, thank goodness we cleared that up.

"A long time ago." Shawn begins "The day of the party." He clarifies. 

"Yeah?" I question beginning to get curious where this story is going.

"So it doesnt mean that i like her but after me and kelly had a fuck-" He starts off and i begin to think he got her pregnant. "-I saw her talking to Liam and as i got closer i heard your name. And i know should not have been eavesdropping but.."

"But what Shawn" Getting slightly frustrated that he isn't telling me and longing out this whole conversation.

"Kelly paid Liam to rape you."


this is a short AF chapter but oh well.. also wattpad is having this problem so if this blank again pls tell me.

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