Day 5 and 6 : Observing him + one announcement

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Okay ... Enough with the pranks ! He passed them all .
Test one : ✅
Let's move to test two .
I'll observe his behavior towards me .
He had been sweet towards me . But I'll be cold and moody . Let's see if he scold me or nat.
Right now , my and Jungkook are in our class , taking classes.
It's boring .. I'm waiting for lunch already 😂🙄
It's been a while . So bored . Ugh . Let's do something ...
I threw a paper ball on Jungkook but it accidentally hit the teacher WHAT THE FUQ -

Teacher : Who threw that !?

I slowly stood up.

Y/N : M-Me ...
Teacher : Why did you threw it on me Y/N !?
Y/N : Mianhae ..
I hunged my head low .
Teacher : I'm surprised ... Y/N I spare you cuz you didn't lie ... Very good !
Y/N : Th-thanks ...

I sat down , everyone looking at me . Well .. about Jackson ... He was kicked out of school and instead a new student came some time ago . That student is from our class and he is really sweet. I don't really like him cuz there is something behind his smile ... Something evil that is going on . I really don't like him. His name is Yoongi  .

After classes , I went straight to the cafeteria and already started eating some yummy stuff . After finishing I was about to leave the cafeteria when I got pulled from behind into someone's arms . I didn't knew the person until I looked at his face. It was ... Yoongi .

Y/N: Y-Yoongi !?
Yoon : Surprised huh.
Y/N : Leave me ..
Yoon : No one is here baby ..
Y/N : Go fuck someone else I'm not virgin . * Lie * .
Yoon : You think I'm here cuz you're a virgin !? Hell naw .. I wanna fuck you cuz I'm needy . My gf makes me needy and she never let me fuck her .
Y/N : Get outta her . Fuck off dude -

I broke free from his grip and ran away .

Yoon : Not gonna leave you until I really taste you babygirl !

I ran into my room and hugged Jungkook tightly .

Kook : Anything went wrong mm ?
Y/N : N-No .. I just need a hug  .
Kook : * Hugs me tighter * Awe ..
Y/N : Th-That new student yoongi ...
Kook : Yeah ..? What did he did ?
Y/N : N-nothing .

I don't wanna tell him cuz I don't want him to think of me as a slut .

We both sat down on the bed and started pillow fighting .
Bon-Hwa is sleeping Currently . She's in Jennie's room .

We both landed in a not-so-good position .
He was on top of me , his breathe right on my lips.
I cleared my throat , he got off of me .

Jungkook : Mianhae ...
Y/N : It's okay .. I'm just happy you didn't touched me .
Kook : I'm not like Jackson ! I'm not a slut !

I chuckled . I heard the bell ring .

Y/N : Let's go to class now ..

Kookie nodded and smiled and we both went to class .
After a busy schedule we came back in our room , in the class Yoongi was staring at me , licking his lips and mouthing to me ' wonder how you would taste like ' or ' don't tell anyone about this or else you'll have to go thro the consequences ' .

I tried my best to ignore him .
In the afternoon , when all the classes were over . I ran to my room , I didn't wanted to see Yoongi in the way. I jumped on the bed and started thinking about alot of stuff . And I drifted to sleep .

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