Be My Forever.

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"Please Karlie, call me back as soon as you get this message. I will be on the plane to London in a hour. Meet me at the airport when I land." That's the 6th voicemail I had left Karlie, I know she's been listening to them because Lily politely called me telling me Karlie didn't want to speak to me. I clearly heard my girlfriends voice in the background. I need to speak to her, tell her how sorry I am for being a foolish idiot, tell her I love her and that I should have said yes to the stupid fake proposal.

Sighing I went over to the bed and lifted the mattress slightly, taking out the notebook that I had hidden there. My song book, years worth of pain, upset and happiness were written in this book. I turned each page; some of the pages covered with dried blood droplets, absorbing all my previous lyrics. Funny thing, I can relate to most of them better now than I did when I wrote them. An echoing buzz pulled me back to reality, that must be my driver telling me it was time to leave.

I sighed picking up my suitcase, and the two cat carriers. Olivia was kicking up a fuss just seeing the carrier, before approaching her slowly "Olivia baby it's only for a few hours I promise. You can sit with me on the plane." I grabbed her quickly and gently before she could run away and placed her into her carrier. I turned around to find Meredith already laying sound asleep in hers, I zipped her in and headed for the door. Hoping Karlie would meet me at the airport like I asked, like she said she would before I caused this mess.


The flight was an exhausting one, I couldn't sleep because Karlie was on my mind. This week is going to go off on a great start me being jet lagged and tired all week. The pilot had let me know we only had ten minutes till landing so I quickly turned my phone back on. One new voicemail flashed across my screen, my heart literally took a flip before continuing to go ahead and listen to the message. "Hey it's me, I know you're on your flight right now. But I'll be there, we need to talk. I'll talk to you later. Bye!" Karlie sounded calm and relaxed in the message. I let out a sigh of relieve, Karlie was going to be there I could fix this whilst I had the chance. Nerves started creeping in, she said we needed to talk though. Does this mean she's going to break up with me?

"Miss Swift, we've landed." The security guard whispered to me. I turned to look at him, a young looking bald headed man was looking back at me with cold brown eyes, he was new. Tree had hired him after what happened with Karlie and Josh. Even though that was entirely her fault. I smiled and used my politest voice, "Please, it's Taylor not Miss Swift." I hated being greeted in such formal ways. The man grabbed my luggage and left me to grab the cats. This was it the moment I see Karlie after the awkward argument. I put my maroon beanie and scarf on and left the private jet.

Karlie was nowhere to be seen. I approached the security guard who took my luggage off the jet. "Excuse me, my friend Karlie was meant to be meeting me here. was anyone here when you brought my luggage out?" I asked panicking worrying about whether anything had happened to her. He pointed towards the landing strip where Karlie was standing. I put Meredith and Olivia down in their carriers for a second and ran over to the girl I had missed terribly.

Karlie's long locks were curled in loose curl, she was wearing her black leather jacket and now tight blue jeans because of her small bump, with her black biker boots on, I couldn't help but be amazed by her ever mind blowing beauty. I opened my mouth to apologise when she cut me off, her lips pressed against my mouth. Until she slowly broke off the kiss. Music from somewhere started playing, I knew that song in the background it was The Only Exception by Paramore playing. Why would that be playing now? I looked at Karlie who was smiling at me. "What's going off Karls? You're being weird, you should be mad at me." I asked questioning what the hell was going off.

"I should have done this properly yesterday, that was a stupid horrible mistake I made. But I love you, and I told the girls how I feel about you and they knew by the way I was talking about you that, us, our love is forever. Unbreakable. And I agree with them. There's a reason why I was ignoring your calls." I looked at her deep green eyes, filled with raw emotion. She gulped and carried on her speech. "I was on the phone to your Dad, he seems to like me more than your Mom does. Taylor, you're the most important person in my life. You make me, want to better myself because I am undeserving of such a kind, caring, loving girl like you. I know we've not been together long, but I have loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you, and I will love you till my lungs take my last breathe. You are literally my only exception, hence the song." Silence filled the air for a second, Karlie dropped down on to one knee, causing the tears that were filling my eyes to spill out. "Taylor Alison Swift, will you make me the happiest and luckiest girl alive and be my forever, will you marry me? - This time it's real." She was holding a Tiffany and Co opened box in her hand. It contained a platinum band ring with a simple small diamond, which was shining in the December sunlight.

I stood there in shock, nodding my head furiously, how did it only sink in now how much I loved her.

"Yes" a barely audio able gasp came from my lips has I helped her up and pulled her into a kiss, not caring about the security, the paparazzi that might be hiding snapping photos. I love Karlie Kloss and I want the world to know it.

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