Chapter 12: temptations and resolve

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No one's POV

The greatest hurdle of wielding the skullheart is temptation. The power you wield, the possibilities it contains. You can have everything you ever wanted with it. But with that comes a cost. Not only do you become a skullgirl. You lose sight who you really are.

You lose sight of what you love and what you hate. You lose the ability of emotion. Maybe you might even kill what you promise to protect. You become a mindless drone in service of higher beings. So when temptation reveals itself, will you give in or fight it?


After all that has happened I still have my sanity. Now that counts for something. During the next month I was working with the anti skullgirl labs to find me basically. I trained with double on how to control the powers of the skullheart. But the thing was the corruption of the heart always stops me.

So that's what I'm working on right now. I'm learning on how to resist the corruption. Me and double were in the training room where she began to instructs me.

"The corruption of the skullheart is deadly y/n. It can read your inner thoughts and persuade you with your own desires. To overcome this you must face and overcome your worst fears that feed that desire." She says.

"What do you fear that threatens your desire?" She asks.

I look to the head ground before closing my eyes. My mind goes to my mother. She is my only family left. I fear for her safety and if she were to die I were to never forgive myself.

"I picture my mother. My most precious one. She is the family I have left. I fear that the decision I make will punish me by killing her." I say clenching my fist.

I hear double walking around me.

"Now y/n I want you to use the power again but this time face the corruption. Don't quit when it reaches you." She instructs me.

I nod as I focus again. Energy swirls around me. I feel that power again. Staying in place I concentrate on my mind. As it continued the voices came back.

"Do you want this power?" A voice asks.

"All of this potential the heart holds" another says.

"It can be yours." Another says.

I enter the space in my mind as I come face to face with the previous skullgirls. They all smile as they float around me talking to me.

"You mother. She is a very beautiful woman." One says.

"Yes. She is very precious to you isn't she?"

"What about your friends?" Many voices say.

"Yes she is very important to me." I reply.

"With the power the skullheart wields you can have anything you want."

I stay in place never moving

"With it your mother can never be in danger again. She will be safe from anyone who dares harm her." They say.

The skullgirls read my thoughts. They are trying to tempt me.

"All you have to do to have this power is give in. Become one of us and service the trinity. You won't have to work anymore." Their words. They sound so seductive and so calm. The urge to give in was powerful.

I could give my mother a peaceful life away from harm and danger. I could protect her and my friends. I was about to give in but then I smiled.

"Your offer is great that any normal person would accept it in a heartbeat." I say as they smile.

"But let me ask you all a question." They perk up as they look at me.

"What would that be?" They ask in unison.

"What is victory to you all?" They all look at me in confusion.

"Why it is accomplishing your goal. That is victory. That is the correct definition." They reply.

I shake my head in disappointment.

"Yes in a way you are right but your still wrong." I say confidently.

They all have looks of confusion in my sentence.

"Victory is not just about accomplishing a goal. It's about proving something not anyone but yourself. As us humans we associate hard work with rewards. I walk a long road as a lone wolf. I that I have ever done and will do is hard work. I have stolen, I have hurt, and I may have killed a lot of people just to protect my mother." I say shocking them.

"I am not a good person. I don't why I'm not corrupted yet. But I can tell you this. I have worked hard to provide for my mother. I have worked hard to keep her safe. I have worked harder than all of you combined, and you have the audacity to tell me to stop working? I have earned my place in this world! I do not float about my status or my problems! I worked day and night to keep our home! I walked a long and weary road alone just so I can show you all that I am worthy!" I continue.

"Victory is not just reaching a goal and that's it. No! Victory is wanting the right to shout to the heavens and say: 'I made it! I have deserve this accomplishment! I have earned my with my own two hands!' After that I will at my opponent with a glare and say: 'can you say the same?' So I will ask you all a new question." They were left speechless as I ask them my final question.

"Can you say the same?" I ask.

From there I turn around and I walk away.

"This power is tempting yes. But I will not accept it. I will find my own strength without it." From there I stopped. I stopped and I turned off the power.

Taking heavy breaths I kneel. I finally overcame it. That energy they emitted almost made me throw up and pass out. But I'm the end I showed them my resolve.

From there I felt arms wrap around my neck hugging me.

"Double I'm fine thank you." I say to her.

"I'm right here." I lift my head to see her staring at me. I turn around to see who was behind me.


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