Chapter 4: the contiellos

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Y/n pov

The walk was quiet neither of us said a word. But for some reason I feel butterflies by just looking at squigly. No I can't she wouldn't love someone like me. Besides she's undead she wouldn't feel the same.

But I wanted to know her better so I asked her parasite leviathan.

"Excuse me Leviathan?" I ask

"Yes sir y/n? What is it?" He replies.

"I always wanted to ask, who were the contiellos?" I ask him.

He grows a saddened face as does squigly. Her walk slows and I get the idea.

"I'm sorry. I guess I should've kept my mouth shut." I say. I walk ahead of them until squigly spoke.

"No it's okay. The contiellos were a family of singers and musicians." She replies.

"A family of singers?" I repeat.

"Yes and I was their guardian parasite for the longest time. You see we worked with the medici as their main source of entertainment and music. But then something happened and the medici wiped out the contiellos." Leviathan spoke.

"And my mother: Selene contiello tried to use the heart to bring us back from the dead she was consumed and became the skullgirl. After that our family was raised as undead servants. I would've met the same fate were it not for Leviathan intervening." She says as she let's him.

I grew saddened after hearing about the events that befell her and Leviathan. Even though I have experienced a great deal of pain it does not even come close to the pasts of these people.

"What about you y/n? What is your past?" Squigly asks me.

I managed to hide my shock to avoid suspicion. That question was the only thing that I feared. I never want to tell that story ever again. For the of me and my mother. I swore to NEVER let her suffer through that pain again.

"It's personal squigly and I rather not tell you. It's to painful to tell." I say.

"Oh I understand my apologies." She says bowing down.

"No no. It's quite alright. You never so don't feel like you did anything wrong Okay?" I say to her as we continued the walk home.

Squigly's pov

I wonder what happened to him that made him that afraid. He understood that my feelings were sensitive but what did he experience to say that it was personal?

'I don't know my lady but I believe that it's best not to push it.' Leviathan says in thought.

'I agree let's leave it be for now.' I reply in thought.

With Leviathan as my parasite our minds are connected so we can communicate without using our voices.


We arrived at the home where y/n and mother lived. He opened the door and introduced me inside. Of course with it being abandoned it would've been a mess but it was surprisingly cleaned.

I could see the surprise on y/n's face as well. We continue to the living room until we came across two girls talking to each other.

"Filia. Marie. I'm back." He says. The girls turn towards him and smile.

"Y/n your back!" The one known as Filia says.

"Y/N MY BABY BOY!!!!" A woman comes running down the hall crushing y/n in a iron grip.

I giggle a little bit getting everyone's attention.

I see the one with who I assumed to be y/n's mother hide behind y/n as she says.

"Zombie!" Y/n facepalms.

"Mom! She not a zombie. Her name is squigly." He says as I bow.

"B-But she has a skeleton hand and her mouth is sown shut!" She says.

"Yes my mouth is closed but I can still speak." I say.

"And I dare say I feel a bit offended for not being noticed." Leviathan says scaring the girls.

"Everyone this squigly and her parasite Leviathan." He says introducing us.

We exchanged greeting as y/n continued.

"So how solid you three clean the house so quickly?" He asks.

"Simple! I applied for ownership of this house!" Y/n's mother says.

"Yes! Ms. Kayla now owns the house as me and Filia help with the mortgage." Marie says clapping her hands.

"Ah Okay. So at least we can live in comfort now." He says.

"Now. You all get some rest I need to go out and get groceries." He says as he leaves.

It was strange actually. He doesn't seem tired at all. But I leave it as he lets me sleep in his bed. How very kind of him.

Y/n pov

'So Skullheart. Since you are connected to me I no longer feel fatigue?' I ask it through my mind.

'Yes. The Skullheart lets it's power flow through you giving you unlimited energy.' It says.

'Okay.' I reply.

I head out to find groceries for the girls. Little did I know i was being watched.

Valentines pov

I see a man leave the house in the neighborhood from the once abandoned house. It was odd to be sure. No one ever wanted that house in the first place but all of a sudden it's occupied? I need to keep a close eye on him.

"All units check in. How you found anything?" Christmas asks.

"Valentine checking in. I found something interesting in maplecrest. The once abandoned house is now occupied by a boy and his mother. The boy matched the description of the report peacock said." I say.

"Interesting. We come to you and we'll check on him." She says.

"Copy that." I say watching the boy.

Y/n pov

'Y/n your being watched.' The heart says.

'You think that they suspect that it's me?' I ask.

'Maybe. Just be normal. Don't act out of place.' It instructs me.

I did that I ignored them and I continued to the local market for food. I used my surroundings to keep an eye on them every now and then. Eventually more showed up. I was getting nervous but I can't blow my cover.

I see the market up ahead and I walk a little bit faster. The sun was rising blinding them a bit I used this window to rush to the store escaping their sights.

"Finally now lets get the groceries." I say pulling out my wallet.

Valentine pov

"Ma'am we lost visual." Hallow says looking around.

"The kid is crafty I'll give him that." Christmas says.

"Crafty!? He was a bloody genius that bugger! He used the sunlight knowing that we would be blinded to escape!" Patty says.

"Now listen here! He isn't smart! It was just his luck that this happened!" Easter says as we all started to argue.

Y/n pov

I walk out to see the stalkers arguing.

"Well lucky me." I say as I book it back to home with food in tow.

Now that they know where I live I have to deal with them now. I hope this doesn't get any worse.

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