Lesson 24

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Argh, my short arms can't reach the upper part of my back and it hurts my back to stretch my arms. I tried to apply my medication in the toilet but so far I was only successful in looking like a T-Rex with short arms struggling with this task. I heaved a loud sigh and placed my medication on the sink, frustrated at this problem.

"Yuxi, do you need help?" Kun asked from the other side of the door.

Should I receive his help? But that means he would look at my naked back.. What if he figured out my identity? But my front would be covered anyway, it's not like he could see my boobs right? But.. Maybe I should look for Yibo senior instead, he knows about my identity and somehow the thought of him helping me isn't as daunting as having kun to help me.

"Alright, I'm coming out.." I replied softly.


"I'll.. Head over to Yibo and ask him for help instead."Yuxin whispered softly as she walked towards the door. Yibo again? Why is she avoiding me intentionally? I pulled her arm, causing her to face me as I raised my eyebrows and lowered my voice," why do you have to go to him when I'm here? Do you... Have something to hide?"

She blinked her eyes furiously as she stammered, "N-No.. Of course not.. We are all guys after all... There's nothing to hide."

"Then, I could just help you with it isn't it? Don't have to bother Yibo." Like hell I'd let Yibo see your naked back, over my dead body.

YuXin nodded lightly as she handed me the tube of medication and sat on the chair, her back facing me as she leaned her head on the back of the chair, "Thanks Kun.." She pulled the back of her t-shirt up slowly, struggling as she reached the midway of her back.

"Let me do it," I hitched her shirt up, exposing her back that was looking red and swollen. The sight of the painful injury made my blood boil in rage. Shit, I should be the one shielding her from the injury.

Sensing my silence, she sighed, "Its that bad huh.."

"No, I'm just angry that the asshole inflicted such injury on you.. I'll apply the medication now." I prepared her as I swab the cotton bud with the medication, gently applying the cream on her back.

"Ahh.." YuXin groaned softly as she shifted herself a little. "Don't move, just bear with it. It will be done soon," I cautioned as I shifted my hand and gaze to the left side of her back... Her hands loosening the grip on the shirt that was bunched up in front of her chest as she gripped on the back of the chair instead.

Afraid that the shirt would cascade down and adhere to the medication I've just put, I quickly pulled her shirt up, accidentally pulling it too much and caused the front of her shirt to ride up further than before, showing the side of her boob. Shit, what have I done..

"Kun, hurry up and apply the rest of the medication, it's painful," YuXin whined, seemingly oblivious at where my gaze is fixated on.. I could see from the side view her perky pink nipple protruding slightly from her round breast, arousing my inner desires. She's not wearing anything inside? That's dangerous. I feel as sense of lust stirring within me my eyes remained fixated at her curves. " Kun, what are you waiting for?" she beckoned again, as I gulped down the lump in my throat coming to my senses.

"Y-yeah, brace yourself for the pain.." I stammered as I lowered her shirt to hide her breast from my view. Stop being such a pervert Kun, mom would kill me if she knew. I applied the medicine on her back carefully while trying to suppress my inner desires, clearing my mind of the curves of her body, which seemed to be etched in my mind.

"There, all done," I gently lowered her shirt to cover her back as she turned to me with a grateful smile, "Thanks Ku-" she stopped her sentence midway as she stared at me, "was it so hard to apply medication that your forehead is full of sweat?"

She stood up and grabbed a tissue, gently dabbing my forehead with her gaze looking at my sweat while mumbling, "Maybe next time I'd just ask Yibo senior to help me.." I held her wrist, making her look straight into my gaze as I replied in a low tone, "Why do you always mention Yibo? Don't tell me you're interested in him."

"What are you talking about?" Yuxin scoffed, "I'm not interested in him.. Besides, I'm a guy.. Wh-why would I be interested in another guy?" her ears were turning slightly red as she replied while averting my eyes. Why does she sound so hesitant while answering, does she likes Yibo after all?

"Fine, since you're such a bro, I shall treat you like one." I said firmly, feeling sour from her reply. Since you keep saying you're a guy, then I'd treat you like one until you realise you're not.


"Yuxi, you can use the toilet now," Kun said as he walked out of the toilet with just a towel wrapped around his torso. I opened my eyes wide in shock. Why's he dressed like this? He's stopped walking around the room half naked for a while and I got used to the formality that this sight shocked me. I pursed my lips as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Y-yeah thanks.." I muttered, turning my attention to his face that had a playful smirk. "Yuxi, do you need me to help you remove your shirt? So it's easier for you to just enter the shower straight," Kun offered.

"N-No need, I can do it" I replied in a flustered tone and rushed into the toilet. What's with Kun today?

"Yuxi, your shirt is in the way. Can't you just remove it so its easier for me to apply medication?" Kun said as I tried my best to hitch my shirt up to expose my back. "I-I'm uncomfortable with removing my shirt... Just hurry up and apply it." I replied as I held on to my shirt at the front, hoping it would cover my chest.

"Yuxi, it seems like the side of your body is a little scalded as well, I'll need to apply medication here," he said as he moved the cotton bud to the side, "you need to move your shirt up more." some more? But does it mean that he would be able to see my side boob if I move any further? "Ahh it's okay, I can reach this area on my own, you don't have to do it Kun."

"What's wrong? We are all guys isn't it? Let me do it." Ahh.. Thats right, it'd be weird if I reject him.. I pulled my shirt up higher at the front, revealing the side of my body, silently praying that Kun won't see anything he's not supposed to.


This girl is so adamant in proving she's a guy that she pulled her shirt up so high. Fine, I'll just be more assertive then. I applied the medication to the side of her body, inching the cotton bud nearer to her front and applied the medicine dangerously near the side of her chest that was covered by her shirt.

"Yuxi, your chest feels flabby," I used the cotton bud to poke the side of her chest teasingly, "You need to work out more." I suggested as her ears began turning red while pulling down her shirt.

"Y-yeah.. I know, I'll do it once I get better." she replied hastily as she stood up, her face had a slight look of uneasiness. Did I go too far?

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