Lesson 35 (Mature Content)

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"How come it's just you?" I looked at Yibo who entered the villa entrance. "Where's YuXin?"

"Ah.. She went to find you, thinking you were outside." Yibo replied. "How's the business meeting?"

Just simply thinking about it made me mad. Simply put it wasn't a business meeting, more like a matchmaking session set up by my dad. I've got a bone to pick with him later. Trust him to set up his only son like this.. Didn't mom tell him about YuXin?

"I'm going to find YuXin," I said, purposely ignoring his question. Just as I was about to walk out of the villa, YuXin returned back with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"YuXin, where did go and why are you smiling like a Cheshire cat?" I held her hand warmly and led her into the villa. The expression on her face remained unchanged as she shared her experience with me.

"Ahh, I made a new friend today." Tapping my arm excitedly she continued, "Kun, she's really adorable as a girl and very easy to talk to. She invited me to her villa and we had a small chat after I saved her from a group of asshole guys."

"Hold up. One by one." I sat her down on our bedroom's couch, "What do you mean save her from a group of asshole guys and did you just follow a stranger back to her villa?" My mind was filled with concern over YuXin's safety. If she's so trusting towards others, then I have to keep an extra eye on her to make sure she doesn't get taken advantage of.

"I was on my way to find you then I chanced upon this girl who was surrounded by a group of guys pestering her. So I stepped in and saved her," YuXin replied with a smug look on her face tilting her chin up and puffing her chest at me.

Chuckling, I ruffled her hair and said, "YuXin, how did you save her?"

"Well.. I told them to stop harassing her.. But one of the guy actually had to audacity to drape his arm around my shoulder and squeeze my boob so I did a one arm shoulder throw, scaring them off," she replied proudly. All I could hear was some asshole taking advantage of her, making my blood boil as I tried to contain my inner anger not to flare up. Which fucking asshole thought it was okay to simply touch her like that.

Sighing, I held up her hand gently, "YuXin Im glad you helped out another girl in trouble.. But you're a girl too and what if something happens to you?"

"But I helped her out and the both of us are safe," she reassured looking at me with her puppy eyes. This girl doesn't get the impending danger of guys does she?

"What if they overpower you?" I stood up and look down at her with my arms akimbo, frowning at the thought of her carelessness.

She shot me a playful grin before pulling down my board shorts in one swift tug to my knee catching me by surprise, before running off to the opposite corner of the room. I quickly covered up my manhood with my hand while the other hand fumbled clumsily to pull my shorts up.

Sticking her tongue out, she chided, "Then I will do this and they won't be able to catch me."


I giggled at the sight of flustered Kun trying to pull his pants up. Got him good, finally. I gave myself a pat on the back mentally for being able to play a trick on him for doubting me.

As soon as he had his pants up, he glanced at me with a piercing stare, causing a chill to run down my spine. "Kun.. I was just playing around.. Sorry.." I pleaded with a pout clamping my hands together, hoping to appease him as he took a few strides towards me. Shit, nowhere for me to run. My heart was pounding like crazy. I was backed against the wall with the bed beside me as Kun closed the distance between us.

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