Chapter 14- The Threat

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The golden dragon stared at Mercy the NightWing, her head tilted. The dark dragon shrugged.

"Couldn't you have started with that?" "OK, maybe."

"Are you reading my mind right now?" Mercy sighed. "Yeah... but I can't help it! I can't snoop through your thoughts, I just hear what you're thinking at this moment. And... you're off."

Verbena flew away. Should I have been so harsh? Maybe I was a little harsh.

It took her a while to find where she was and find her hut. When she finally got home, she saw her father outside her hut, boiling water over a campfire, quite far away from the trees and the dead leaves in the clearing. He also had a big basket of vegetables beside him. He was making stew!

"Hi! Would you like to help me?" "Sure, I guess," Verbena picked up a broccoli floret and pulled it apart then put it in the clay pot. Teak put some kind of plant with needle-like leaves in too, then the water started to smell. "Put a carrot in there, make sure you break it up first though."

Then they put a few more things in, including a weird seasoning that turned the water orange and let it sit for a while, and it started steaming a lot. Teak poured it into two wooden bowls and started eating it.

Verbena blew away the steam and copied her father. She tasted every single one of the vegetables, all different kinds of deliciousness. "Mm, where did you get the plant thing?" Verbena asked her father, wiping her snout with her talon.

"It's rosemary, it's good isn't it? I found a bush growing by a stream, and I decided to take some home with me and grow more in a pot."

"I know this is off-topic, but, do you have any scrolls around here? It's fine if you don't."

"Yes, we do, dragons sell them at the marketplace and the library, we can go whenever. There's also a school here, since we have a new queen, so dragonets are learning to read. Anyway, the point is, yes, we do have scrolls."

"Okay, I'm going to go check on Zest," Verbena waved to her father.

The hybrid walked into her hut, and saw Zest on the table, looking at her, then he slithered off the table and onto her neck, strangely without any hissy fits.

Verbena slowly walked to the doorway; the sun was still in the sky. The hybrid dragon fiddled with the amethyst on her neck. Had she done suntime today? She guessed not, she would probably remember that.

She should write her letter to her friends, but how would she get it to them? She wouldn't use the necklace, that would be obsessive. The RainWings might have some kind of a messaging system. But that was just wishful thinking of course.

"Father? Can we go to the market?" She asked as she walked outside. "Alright, let's go!"

Teak and Verbena tree-glided to a place a few miles west of the RainWing village. The market had wood bridges and merchandise stands selling everything a dragon would need, and more. Wow, I didn't expect the RainWings of all dragons to build this place. Verbena tried not to look so shocked, her scales subconsciously shifting to a surprised emerald.

Teak walked off. He was going to a small stand a wing-length in front of him.

Verbena looked around for a moment and saw a large wooden structure probably made of three to four different types of wood. There were flowers hanging in clay pots on overhangs in the teak wood roof. She glanced awkwardly back at Teak and shrugged. She pushed and shoved and pushed at the huge double doors. Finally, they opened, and Verbena sat panting on the floor for a moment before she righted herself.

She saw shelves upon shelves of scrolls. The shelves were all full, and a few RainWings were wandering the shop, collecting scrolls they liked and chatting to one another. There were reading nooks around the area, where RainWings and NightWings were curled up reading. A few hatchlings were playing a game where one of them had a scroll and tossed it to another dragonet where a third was trying to get it from them.

A buttercup yellow dragoness that looked to be around nine was organizing scrolls in a careful order that Verbena had yet to understand. She had a spiky green frill and a scorpion-like barb on her tail. There was a distracted look in her pale white eyes. Her wings looked similar to the inside of a dragonfruit, white-ish with black flecks all over the underside.

She noticed Verbena standing by her side and jumped. "Oh, hi! My name is Dragonfruit, what's yours?"

"I'm Verbena; I'm looking for scrolls about reptile pet care."

"Follow me," Dragonfruit said. She effortlessly led Verbena to a section of the library that held scrolls about snakes, lizards, tortoises, and other reptiles. Verbena took one, paid for it, and left.

"Thank you!" The dragonet and her father flew off and parted in the darkening sky. "You know where to find me!" Verbena waved at her green RainWing father who smiled as he flew away and became a small shape in the green forest horizon.

The hybrid folded her wings against her body and dove down into the small clearing where her hut sat. SQUAWK!! SQUAWK, SQUAWK!! SAWRAWR!! Verbena heard a jaguar scream somewhere close by, she didn't know the way to kill a jaguar correctly, so she scurried inside and decided to wait it out. The hybrid put Zest on his perch in the corner.

Then she heard it again, SAWRAWR!! SAWRA- RAW! THUMP!

"Ugh, jaguars are gross, why didn't you kill that boar we saw?" Verbena heard the voices of dragons, and she heard them coming closer, she also heard the tear of meat. They had killed the jaguar! And what were they doing this close to the RainWing village? Were they looking for someone?

Just then, the NightWing pair strode inside her hut! Trespassing wasn't allowed! Did she still have her pouch on? Yes, she nearly sighed with relief, but then she stopped herself before she could be heard. There was nothing useful in her big satchel near her table. Verbena let her scales fade to the same brown as the walls around her.

"Where is she?!" roared one of them. "Maybe she's hiding!" said the other. Of course, I am, brainless meatheads!

"Of course she's hiding, you concussed dung beetle! I meant where is she hiding?" Verbena gathered all her courage and leaped onto concussed dung beetle, and he yelped in surprise. He tried to throw her off, but she dug her claws in farther.

"Get outside! There's not enough room!" Sure enough, concussed dung beetle hit a wall, breaking a hole. "Don't kill her! We need Blackthorn to do that!"

"Ack! Just get her off of me!" Concussed dung beetle tripped outside, throwing Verbena forward into the undergrowth.

The hybrid narrowed her eyes and glanced at the bleeding bite on her left forearm. Scars were nothing new. She could take some pain, she thought of how much her home scarred her, emotionally and physically. The bigger NightWing snorted fire out of her nostrils and walked slowly forward.

"Blackthorn is coming, you filthy hybrid, and he won't show mercy with small eyesores like you, unlike Moonstone." That was too much. Verbena waited until she got close enough, and launched forward. The hybrid clenched her fist and punched the NightWing in the nose as hard as she could. She roared in fury, clawing at Verbena. Her claws hooked on Verbena's ruff, tearing a large hole in the membrane.

The pair wrestled in the mud for a few more moments. Verbena breathed a blast of fire at the NightWing's wing, and the fire licked her scales with its deadly tongues. The scream that came from her was blood-curdling.

The hybrid pinned her down and dug her thorn-sharp teeth into her neck. She winced as her teeth met jewel-hard scales. "You are a disgrace," the NightWing rasped. The smaller NightWing was watching in horror. "Please don't kill me!" he said.

"Go to the NightWing village, and never hurt anyone again, or this will happen to you," Verbena said, fresh blood dripping from her teeth, her scales matching. Concussed dung beetle nodded. "O- okay," he flapped his wings and hovered in the air for a moment. "Blackthorn is coming!" He vanished.

Verbena slashed the NightWing over her throat to spare her pain and hid the body in some large leaves. She dragged herself to the small pond and splashed some water on her own face, washing the blood off her teeth.

Suddenly, a black and blue hybrid appeared in the trees, a horrified look on his slashed up face. Verbena held up a claw in front of her mouth in a shush gesture. Tiderider nodded and vanished. Verbena felt a deep pit of guilt opening in her chest.

The hybrid then went inside her hut. She lay down and closed her eyes.

Blackthorn is coming.

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