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"Save the girl, north from here, she's injured..." Kamado tried to keep his eyes open, but failed, as he succumbed to fatigue and slept. But the kakashi that is carrying him did not hear his voice, as they trudged forwards, orders from the uppers in mind.


"How was it? Your welcome party, and a gift for you." The woman spoke slowly and deliberately. The ground you were sitting in, along with 5 demons, was splattered in crimson ink. An iron smell filled the air around you.

The 4 lower moon demons causes the whole place to reek of death and blood. They all died in the hands of Muzan himself.

"It was much bloodier than I would prefer." You replied, fear and shock replaced with a hollow feeling, you are not surprised anymore by the events that occurred on that night. You felt acceptance towards this place. A place full of bloodshed, the night sky a patron of the countless bodies. You only felt relieved that the demons that were killed are finally retired from their restless immortality. Though, in the most gruesome and torturous way.

"I see, there was no helping it, it was supposed to be a bloodbath." Muzan informed you, as if it wasn't obvious already. You finally learnt the name of the demon who gave you the nightmare, Enmu, as Muzan converses with the ecstatic looking man. Enmu stayed in his place, raising his head as they made the exchange.

"This is like a dream for me, to die by your hand in person..."

Enmu was buttering up to Muzan. It makes you wonder how similar demons and humans are. Point a gun to someone's head and they would cry, grovel and beg for their lives. You knew this feeling very well, with that boy, Rui, you answered his questions, yet did it save you from death? Barely. You were sure Muzan was going to kill Enmu, yet what he did next surprises you.

Muzan smiled delightfully at the man's answer and stabs a part of his flesh to the man's neck. "Very well. You have won me over, and I shall give you an abundance of my blood."

Enmu screamed in pain, and fell into the tatami floors with a howl. His body convulses, choking his own blood, Enmu managed to smile.

"However, you had displeasured me greatly, for manipulating this girl into your dreams. So, if you can adapt to this blood... I'll let you live." A pause.

"And... If you succeeded in killing the boy with a pair of Hanafuda earrings, I will see it to you that you may receive more of my blood." A lengthy explanation came from Muzan's lips, he pointed into his ear as if signaling the Hanafuda earrings. You froze. Hanafuda earrings flashed in your mind. Might it be that Muzan is trying to kill the demon slayer who saved you? The nature of demon slayer and demons are one full of hatred towards each other. Demon slayers despise demons for killing humans and the same reason applies for demons despising demons slayers.

Yet why does the progenitor of the demons himself focuses solely on one boy from the demon slayer corps?

"Make yourself useful to me then..." Muzan replied, a cold glint to his eyes.

The Biwa woman strums her instrument, once, twice, as multiple doors closes behind Muzan. Enmu fell from a door directly below him. As for you... She strums one final time, before the whole space around you changes.

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