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"How is he still alive? Is Muzan already capable of bringing demons back to life?" Rin inspected your wound as she eyed warily at the only chain holding Rui by the neck. Looking at the chains with a skeptical eye, it had a certain glow to it, though in this dim lighting, it may be probable that the metal was only reflecting the light of the flame. However, when you look at it closer, the chains seem to sear and burn to flesh, sensed from the hint of the smell of burning skin in the air. And, as it burns, the metal releases a faint red tinge. Rui looked like he was in pain, retreating back to the corner of the room where the flames from the oil lamp did not reach.

An explanation was in the back of your mind, and the answer on the properties of the metal is all there, however you are not able to recall this. "Well, you see, I was not supposed to disclose this information to you before master Muzan arrived back here. I myself did not really know much. But... Well, since now you know what happened, Rui was not yet dead, he was saved moments before the sunlight hits, at least that was what I saw." You looked back at the demon in disbelief, the words of Rin does not really reach your ears.

Demons require a lot of Muzan's blood to be in the position of moon demons, powerful, trusted and can have restraints. Yet Rui seems to turn back before he consumed many of the human flesh that happened to stumble upon Natagumo Mountains.

He actually kept his promise, Muzan. You scoffed. Rui served as a bargaining chip between you and Muzan. However, in his condition right now, you were not sure to gain any answers on this uneasy feeling called fear every time meeting him. Why are you so scared of him? What was the reason you felt pity to the very being that were about to kill you? All the thoughts clouded your mind, and you grit your teeth in irritation, of all the unanswered questions.

Rin looked worried and asked if you would like to exit the room. It would be better to recollect your thoughts and focus on the task Muzan gave you. You nodded slowly. You spent the whole day on the spacious library, after having the tour of the place, which spent a lot of time, considering how large the house is. "Hey, Rin, are you the only worker here? I've never seen anyone else except for you." Rin face changed as you asked her. However, Rin was uneasy, looking pale and frightened. "I was forced to work here... If I told you more, I would get into trouble." Her voice was small, as she avoided your gaze.

You spent your day in silence, Rin being awfully quiet after your question, only showing up in the library to carry a tray of food and to refill your drink. Something must have triggered her, as she looked more anxious as time went. Five o'clock shadow greets you when you looked up from the book, titled the world of botany. Stretching, you felt as tired as you were after a long days work of toiling in the fields and working as a building constructor. How your life changes drastically after what happened in the mountains.

Your mind wandered to Muzan and his propositions. It was quite a good deal, having yourself not needing to worry about food or shelter, and having everything handed out to you. However, you knew this all was not necessary, for why would Muzan gave you all of this without expecting something in return? Your research so far was only you discovering different species and kinds of flowers, seen from the books, yet you know not, of the blue spider lily and could only find information regarding it's significant sister; the red spider lily.

The times where you learnt reading and writing seems to be good for use now, as you reminisce about the old man whom you respected from your past. He was dead, no doubt, but he was the closest to an acquaintance you knew, teaching you the basics of reading and writing and calligraphy. He never cared for your company, nor did you care for his'. He was not a figure you could call a grandfather, he was old, yes, but not caring in a way someone would embrace their grandchildren and spoil them with rotten kisses. He only teaches you in hopes that someone would continue his lost legacy of owning a wood carving shop, a selfish reason yet advantageous to both parties.

Looking back, you really did not live a good life. Your world was painted grey with no attachments to anyone, desolate, and isolated from the colorful spectrum of everyone else. And now, it was drenched in blood red, gore and ichor was a necessity to survive in the demon's den.

Night comes. The cicadas did not dare make a sound, and the wind stopped howling. The world was still and so, so bleak. For a few moments, everything seemed calm.

"It won't get you anywhere to read the books in this library. I personally would know myself, since I've read them all." A sound cascaded throughout the space akin to the flow of water. The silence was disrupted and that peaceful serenity was no more. A man emerged from the towering shelves of books, pinching a withered flower between his thumb and his index finger.

You whirled around to face the perpetrator. It was a demon; you could easily distinguish the inhumane features of the man, with rainbow-colored irises, glinting like scales beneath the reflection of the glasslike moon. There is kanji imprinted in his irises as well, it read "upper rank two" His fangs are full on display, as if showcasing the rows of the teeth of a predator. His hair was a silky blonde, with a peculiar circular bloodstain on the roots, expanding into blots of dark red and black. His appearance was frustratingly angelic, his pale complexion and the blending of the pastel colors on his irises, a stark contrast compared to Rui's bloody sclera and cold blue irises.

"Hello there."

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