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By the next day, you woke up in the same room; Muzan hadn't even bothered to place you in a futon or a bed. Not that it matters to you, you had been used to sleeping on floors more uncomfortable than this, cold cement, even the outdoors if your labor of picking up boulders and building materials require you to stay overnight, as it nearer into the due date. The tearoom still had that rich wooden smell, it was quite pleasant to wake up to. Sitting up, sunlight streams from the open doors towards the Zen garden. A letter addressed to you sat in the tea table. Opening it messily with your left arm and your teeth, you read over the contents.

A maid will attend to you in 7.00 am, if you woke up before that and read this letter, I have business to attend to, thus I will not be able to babysit you in the day. Leads on the flower is below the tatami floor two tiles to your right. You are free to read them, and do your research on the library.

You sneered at the letter, he is prideful enough to say he had 'business' to attend to instead of claiming that he isn't able to walk in plain sunlight. How stupid does he think you are? You were also insulted at the words 'babysit'. You didn't need babysitting, how old does he think you are? Well, obviously compared to his many years of living, you were contrastingly very young. Scoffing at yourself, you placed the crumpled letter back in the table.

Deducing the time from the position of the sun, you can still see it hanging in the horizon. Its 6 am. You decided. That means approximately an hour left to do anything. You tried to stand up, feet shaking slightly, and walked towards the garden. You hung to the Shoji's frame for support; wooden steps lead to the garden. You stretched, savoring the cold air and finally seeing daybreak. Puffs of smoke left your lips, it was early spring. The cherry blossom was blooming beautifully, it confuses you how utterly contrasting it is for the flower to be in such a ashen place, yet you appreciate the beauty of it all, the blend of the colors were truly mesmerizing.

You started walking back and forth, from the Engawa (porch) to inside the room, putting your legs back to work. After a few minutes, you sat back down, observing the bandages wrapped around your shoulder as your stomach rumbled in hunger. Unwrapping it, you cringe in the foul sight before you. The wound had not healed completely, yet it seemed to had been tended to, the smell of antiseptic and medical alcohol came from the bandage. You went and look for the specifications on the supposedly immortal flower in the tatami floors. As you lifted the quite heavy mat, you took the contents out from a space below the floor, marveling at the woodwork of what seems like a medium sized box. All of this puts quite a strain to your left arm, but you heaved it not your lap anyways.

While you were immersed in reading the contents of the documents and papers in the box, the sound of a door sliding open, it was the maid that was due to take care of you at 7.00 am. Smiling slightly as to appear as a greeting, you watched as they brought a tray of food into the room. You quickly place the documents inside the box and eyed the breakfast that had been prepared. Your mouth instantly watered at the plentiful breakfast that lay before you. You never had the chance to eat that much food and from an expensive looking tableware. They shot you a sympathetic look on you arm, and your figure without you noticing their gaze, the only thing on your mind was how delicious the food tasted.

As you finish scarfing down the entirety of the meal under less than a few minutes, you spoke, feeling a little bad to not greet the person politely when they first entered the room.

"Thank you for the food, uh, may I know your name?" The person looked bashful at the question directed at them.

"My name is Rin, as for a surname, I don't have one miss. If I am allowed to be so ill-mannered may I ask, what is your name?" She stumbled in the formality used in her words as she beamed at you. "My name is y/n, I don't have a surname either. And please, you can talk to me comfortable now." You smiled at the kind girl. She looks a few years younger than you are.

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