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A few minutes passed without you doing anything significant, just gritting your teeth in suppressed anger. Douma sighed and approached the now unconscious girl. You can only see Douma slicing clean Rin's neck with his fan, putting her out of that choking misery. Bits of her blood splattered into your face. The boy, Rui shrinks back, recognizing the much superior and powerful demon before him. "He looks like a rat scurrying around in that clothing." Douma sneers. "Ck. And she was a really pretty girl, pity, pity." He spoke to the glassy-eyed girl, caressing her face, tainting his hands with her blood.

He slowly approached you, lost in thought, you realized you are never able to do anything. What is the purpose of your anger, what is it directed to? Why are you standing there, not saving a friend. Fear was not found anywhere, yet that irritation- that spark that burns your very heart remains. You were not even sure you found remorse. Why do you feel so utterly empty? This feeling is wrong, go cry, scream, shed some tears, that is what you are supposed to do. You weren't sure you are quite human anymore. That empty, empty, empty feeling, finally consuming the acidic burn of hatred.

You didn't realize you have been kneeling on the floor.

Douma reached his hand to you, tracing your lips with that same blood tainted hands. Smearing Rin's blood to your lips, down to your chin, and neck. "Now shall we go and find for the flower? Time shouldn't be wasted like this." After no response, he held your face in between his two hands, forcing you to look up to his pastel irises.

He looked bothered by your lack of response, you were almost fooled by the look of concern in his eyes, his gestures. This demon before you was a manipulator of emotions. He would use feelings against feelings, yet with all that, everything he did seems synthetic, rehearsed, even. His fake worrisome expression melt into a smile.

"If you really want to be on your knees, better do it for another cause." His tone mocking, yet that eerie smile hasn't faded. Glaring back at him, you brought your hand to pry his now-bruising grip on your chin, yet no matter how much you tug and pull, his hand remains in the same place, excluding more and more force, at this rate, it would surely crush your jaws. You could taste your blood from the tongue you accidentally bit, and with the force of Douma's hand. More and more desperate, you now use both of your hands to take his grip off your face.

"Finally, some response. Is violence the only thing that would elicit something from you?" He responded. You choke on air, not only was he bruising your chin, he squeezed your throat with such force.

"That makes the fifth maid this time." Muzan let a loud sigh as he stood behind you. The hand that was crushing your neck was now severed, blood splattering onto the already worn-out and red mat. You flex your jaws stretching it, while glaring at the grinning demon in front of you.

"If I recall, you don't take liking to my fingers, master Muzan." Douma grinned mischiveously at Muzan. "I don't want any of your fingers. Just making sure you didn't break her jaws for no reason." Muzan glowered. "I'd like my subjects to be able to speak."

Douma laughed, it was a pleasant sound, you realized. The melody like a practiced orchestra came from his throat.

Rui, from the blood tainted corner he was in, emerged, bathing in moonlight. He grabbed Rin's mangled hand, and started eating it. It disgusts you, how he was treating it as if it was the best meal in the world, greedily, ripping flesh with his fangs. He looks much older, glancing in your direction occasionally, while scurrying around to avoid the glares of the two upper demons. You suppressed a shiver, something about Rui struck fear deep in you.

"We should not be wasting time like this, there is still things to do." Muzan broke the silence. "You can take a break for now, let Douma go on his mission alone. As compensation, of course, there would be other things you would be expected to do."

You stood up, wiping away the blood on your face. Squaring your shoulders, you grit your teeth in disdain. "I don't need a break, what I need is to kill this pastel motherfucker."

Both demons were surprised at the use of vulgar words. "What? Never heard such dirty words? Let me repeat it for you, bark for me, bitch, that's the least you could do before I-" You could not continue your words, as you were hit by a wave of sickness, swaying on your feet, you steady yourself.

"It's his blood isn't it?"

You snarled in response towards the smiling demon. Muzan nodded, it wasn't until you understand a little about the whole situation that you can feel canines tearing through your gums, you groaned in pain. "I didn't know his blood can also transform humans like this... A miracle really." Douma continued.

"You said you won't turn me into a demon." You wanted to tear the man before you apart, bloodlust going stronger by the moment.

Muzan sighed in impatience. "You know I can kill you here and now. Right?"

"Threats like that won't work, you'd know very well I don't care whether I live or die. Answer. Now." Your voice lower into a growl, you didn't like how you were acting so differently from before.

A moment of silence passed.

"Leave us. Douma, go by yourself to the village." Muzan ordered as Douma left almost immediately.

"You are a waste of my time, I should have chosen someone else for this experiment." Muzan complains while showing you outside the room harshly, and closing the door with a slam.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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