chapter 15

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It was nice that aang sent appa up to stay with me on the hill. Appa let me know that aang wanted to sit with me but sokka told him to give me space, so he sent appa because he knew I wouldnt be upset by that. At least he knows that about me. It got kind of cold up here, but appa let me cuddle into his fur and kept me warm. I must have fell asleep because the sun was just starting to come up as appa licked my face to wake me.
"*laugh* thanks boy" I patted his snoot as my smile started to fade.
"Now I have to go do something that's going to haunt me" I hopped off appa as I started to make my walk down the hill to the seaside. As I got closer to the town I stood taller with my head held high and my face neutral. Toph ran up to me first.
"I'm coming with and helping you kick ass" she punched into her hand to show she meant it. Aang and the rest ran up after her.
"We are coming too" suki said before katara spoke.
"You need back up, there is no way you can take all those fire benders yourself" I looked down and shook my head before looking back up at them.
"No... you're not..... none of you are... this is something I have to do on my own" aang stepped forward and put his hand on my shoulder.
"You cant do this yourself, let me help you. With me at your side, I can protect you and we can put those men in jail" I chuckled sadly as I took his hand off my sholder and brought it back to his side.
"You dont listen very well do you, you know what has to happen, and that's not it" that's where I left them off on as I turned on my heal and walked thought the woods and to the seaside. There was a stone wall leading up to a cliff off to the back, the seaside was all stone instead of the sand I thought it might be. That will make fighting a little harder, seeing as sand is much easier to move then other earth materials.
"You're late" I turned my head slightly to see the leader and his group of men come out of the forest. I chuckled at his words.
"Doubtful, you are merely early" I scan the crowd but I dont see what I'm looking for.
"Where is my sister, the deal was you bring her here" the leader lifted his hand and snapped his fingers. A person was pushed from the crowd to him, they had a cloke on with the hood covering their face. He yanked the cloke off of them to reveal my very scared, red eyed sister. She looked up at me, shock written all over her face.
"N-n/n" I smiled at her.
"Lovely, now hand her over" the leader grabbed her arm and pulled her to him.
"That's not how this is going to work, you are going to come with me, and maybe I let her go" he started to laugh. I stomped my foot to the ground and lifted a rock up.
"No, it's not, now, give her here" he produced a flam dagger and held it close to her head, but not too close to burn her.
"Now, now, you should know better then that" i put my arms back down as i dropped the rock. I cant have him hurting her. I started my walk over to him and my sister. He smiled and the fire dagger vanished.
"Now that's a good girl" he beckoned me to hold his hand as I got closer to him. When I got to him I reached out my hand to take his, but before our hands touched I used my other to punch the center of his chest, using air to amplify my punch. He let go of my sister and flew back a bit. I grabbed her and used air to jump far away from the crowd before they could touch me. As my feet made contact with the ground again I found that aang and the rest of the group jumped out of the trees and landed around me.
"Not a very wise move Oracle" the leader yelled as his group charged at us. I whipped my sister to sokka.
"Keep her safe and make sure she dosnt get hurt, DONT TALK TO ANYONE" I yelled in their direction. When I turned my head back to the group charging, suki was fighting one of the men.
"SUKI NO" I screamed as I went to run in to get her out. However before I even got close to her, the guy she was fighting landed a hard kick to her gut sending her flying back to the gang.
"KATARA MAKE SURE SUKI AND HER BABY ARE OK" shit wasnt suposed to mention the baby. You know what. I dont really care, there is much more important stuff happening. They all were staring at me shocked about the news.
"NOW KATARA" katara seemed to snap out of it as she shook her head and ran over to suki. Aang, toph, and zuko were now fighting the men. Shit. I jumped into the fray and used air to push toph, aang, and zuko back. I must have used to much because toph and zuko went flying into the treeline, and aang flew into the cliff side and got knocked out from the impact. A few men ran at me and I pulled some water up and slicked at them, cuting ones arm off and the others neck open. I pulled up some stone and pushed it down on the men using my air making an audible crunch sound for good measure. My stomach churned and I had to resist the urge not to hurl. Some men went to run away into the trees but I made a wall infront of them, making them slam into it and fall on the ground. I tipped the wall over on the men and pulled a large gust of air down onto it, squishing the men beneath it. The small group left was huddled in a tight pack together, ready to fight me with scared looks on there faces.
"Y-youre not supposed to kill" one of them said. I made a giant hole underneath them, making them all fall in. Then I closed the earth back up and squeezed. I was squeezing them all together till their bones started to break and push into their organs. I could tell when they were all dead and I could release, because much like toph, I walk barefoot. All that was left was the leader who turned and started to run away. I used the air and a little push from the earth to send me flying into the air, landing infront of him making him stop.
"You all really shouldn't have medaled in things beyond your comprehension, It hurts to do all this" he was too shocked and couldn't bring himself to move away from my eyes. That light is the last he'll ever see. I grabbed his head with both hands and jerked his head to the side, snapping his neck. Somehow I managed not to get any blood on me, so as he fell to the ground I walked over the dead bodys back to my sister with tears in my eyes. She ran to me and gave me a hug. She gazed into my eyes, tears in hers, and went to speak. I placed my finger over her lips instead.
"Shh, tell the girls I love them, I'll send you home now..... I'm sorry" she looked at me confused as I started crying. Before words could come out of her mouth, I took all the air from her lungs, making her go limp and die in my arms almost immediately. I slowly dropped to my knees as I cried and cried. Her body started to fizzle away into little gold specks of light and drifted up to the sky.
"Well done young Oricale, you saved us" the Oracle before me said as I watched the light slowly fade away.
"Y/N, HOW COUL-" aang yelled at me as he stomped his way to me, but when we locked eyes he stopped. He stood infront of me and we just stared at each other.
"Kiss-" there were so many voices talking, I could barely make out what they were saying as aang kneeled down to my level infront of me. I noticed the white of his eyes were slightly glowing a blue. I found myself being pulled to aang by an unknown force as he leaned into me. We locked our lips in a tender kiss. My eyes fluttered closed as I felt the weight of the world lift from my shoulders.
"Mended" the voices all said as I lost consciousness.

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