Mid Night Runs

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tags: late night runs, married couple, sleepy, meliodas is clingy but ban doesn't mind, ban never calls meliodas by his name; pet names are where it's at

description: n/a ^
Ban took his keys out of the car, grumbling to himself. Who wouldn't be annoyed when if they were woken from their sleep. He still had his flannel pajama pants on, along with a wrinkled white tee, and black slippers.

What a fashion icon.

He pulled open the doors of the corner store, humming at the cashier who seemed oddly amused.

Ban stumbled around until he saw what he was looking for. A bag of hershey's kisses, a jar of peanut butter, a box of gushers, and a bag of salt and vinegar chips. Weird combo.

He yawned and walked towards the counter, placing the items down.

The girl let out a small laugh, ringing him up. "Is your wife pregnant?" She asked, noticing the ring on his finger.

Ban shook his head. "No my ba- Husband just has weird taste."

The lady chuckled even loudly. "My apologies. I hope he enjoys." She said, handing Ban the bag.

"He better. It 3 in the morning." The man grumbled out, walking back to his car. He got in and began driving back home.

In a couple minutes he was back, and already unlocking the front door.

Immediately his husband came and clung to him.

"Did you get it Ban?"

The man nodded sleepily.

"Yes baby."

Meliodas smiled. "Great! Now we can watch a movie!"

Ban raised his eyebrow. "A movie? With that stuff I bought? Not to mention it's late.. Baby i'm tired.."

The blonde giggled. "The peanut butter is just cause we were out of it, silly! And so what if it's late? You'll watch something with me, won't you?" He asked, squeezing Ban harder.

The man sighed. "Okay, I will. Come on." He said, waddling over to the couch with the boy still wrapped around him.

He plopped on the couch, letting the blonde crawl onto his stomach.

Meliodas grabbed the remote, turning on the tv and clicking onto Netflix.

He clicked on the bee movie, the same thing they always watched, as he grabbed the box of gushers.

He opened it, taking out a pack and then opening that too.

He draped the cover that they kept on the couch over him and Ban, snuggling into the man's chest.

"I love this movie so much!" He whispered.

"I know, we watch it every other night." Ban said, instinctively wrapping his arms around Meliodas.

Meliodas laughed quietly. "Thanks..For going out again. I know I ask you to a lot."

Ban hummed. "It's fine sweetie. I'd go out a thousand more times if you asked me to." He said sleepily.

Meliodas blushed and climbed up Ban further, pecking him.

Ban chuckled, trying to blink the sleepiness away.

"Ugh! Stop trying to hit him!" Meliodas yelled. "That man was so annoying, right Ban?"

Meliodas pushed up off of Ban's chest.


He giggled when he saw the boy sleep.

"Awww. You're so cute when you're sleep!" He whispered.

The blonde reached over and turned the TV off.

"I guess the movie can wait..." He said quietly. He laid back on Ban's chest, curling into him.

"Goodnight Ban~" He whispered, closing his eyes.

"Mhm..Night Baby Cakes.." Ban mumbled out, still sleep.
Ban blinked awake, looking around.

"Why'd I sleep on the couch?"

He looked down and saw a figure on his chest, as well as felt something latched around his arm.

"Baby?" He pushed away the covers and immediately smiled.

Meliodas was curled up into him, latching onto his arm and holding his hand.

Ban cooed, staring at the boy for a couple of minutes, until he began to stir.

His grip tightened around Ban's arm as he yawned.

"Ban?" He groaned out.

The boy hummed. "Yes angel?"

The blonde let go of Ban's arm, instead shimmying up and wrapping his arms around the man's neck. He wrapped his legs around Ban's waist also, whining.

"I'm cold~" He said.

The latter held Meliodas close to his chest, pulling the cover back over him and the blonde.

Meliodas mumbled something quietly.

"What did you say sweetie?"

Meliodas looked up at Ban, kissing his cheek.

"I said I love you."

Ban's heart twisted, and immediately he began to kiss all over Meliodas's face. The boy burst into a fit of giggles, smiling and laughing.

"I love you too baby~"

short and sweet😼

754 words🚶🏽‍♀️

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