New Years Knot

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tags: new years party, nervous ban😫🛐, idk🌝this was a pretty lame chapter for me to legit spend MONTHS ON LAMSODJDJS

description: ban finally gains the courage to kiss meliodas this year, only, things don't really go to plan.

Ban bounced his knee up and down.. His apartment was full of people, all waiting for the ball to drop.

He looked behind him towards the kitchen.

Meliodas was sitting on the counter, laughing with one of his friends.

"there are exactly five minutes until we break in the new year! stay tuned for the countdown."

King pushed through people, laughing. He had his hair slicked back today.

"Ban? You still stressing about the kiss?" He teased.

Ban gritted his teeth. "Shut up! I-I'm gonna do it okay?"

King rolled his eyes. "Right." It was normal for him to respond this way, being that Ban had said the same thing for the past 4 years.

Ban's cup-filled hand shook at he took small steps over towards Meliodas. He carefully watched his feet to make sure he wouldn't trip. "Oh hey Ban!" The blonde said, noticing his presence. Ban looked up in surprise from the floor, jumping in the process and spilling his drink.

"Oh no!" He said, grabbing a napkin as the juice soaked into his red shirt.

"8, 7, 6, 5, 4"

Ban's head lowered in defeat as he heard the countdown being finished off, and saw Meliodas run over to give the rest of their friends hugs and celebrate with them.

"Fuck!" Ban said, throwing the napkins on the floor, undoing his tie, and throwing it down too.
"Don't forget, after the ball drops we're all taking a group picture to break in the New Year. We need to make more memories together." King said, talking more to himself than Ban at the end.

Ban nodded, shooing King away.

He stood up, looking at the timer on the TV.

"2 minutes, 57 seconds."

He bit his thumb nail, walking over to Meliodas, luckily not as shakily as the prior years.

"Hey Ban!" The blonde said, swinging his legs and waving when he saw him.

Ban waved, swallowing loudly.

"Something wrong?" Meliodas asked.

'he looks so pretty with his hair up like that.'

Ban shook his head. "Just a little nervous.." He said in response to Meliodas's earlier question.

Meliodas frowned, setting his cup down.

"About what? Who you plan to kiss at 12?" He said mischievously.

"Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever seen you kiss someone on New Years." He said, trailing off and putting a hand on his chin. "You dodged Elaine that year...then the next year you dodged Jericho. And the year before both of those you spilt your drink all over your-"

Ban scratched his neck. "Hey hey hey! We don't need to bring that up. And you haven't been kissing anybody either. R-right?" He said, quickly getting defensive.

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