Goodbye Tomura Shigaraki

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Afo: ''Shigaraki goes soon to the portal! I can face All Might alone!"

Tomura :''But sensei!! I can help you and besides, more heroes are coming!"

In a city with destroyed buildings and streets, they were fighting The Number 1 Hero and the greatest villain of all time. All Might the Number 1 Hero and also symbol of peace against All For One the greatest villain that ever existed, these two were fighting all of themselves with all their power causing destruction, earthquakes, cracks in the ground and falling buildings causing a lot of poera. Some heroes and villains who were watching the fight, tried to get close to help their leaders, but the fight was so tense that gusts of winds pushed them all very easily away from them.

Meanwhile, Tomura was about to enter the portal against his will. AFO had used Kurogiri's individuality to make a portal for the entire League of Villains to escape, but when the All Might and the heroes arrived, AFO used Magne's individuality which was magnetism by aiming at his allies and playing straight to the portal, but what he didn't count on was that Tomura held on to an energy pole putting his arms around him , just his arms, because even if he put his arms around the power pole, he left his hands free without touching the pole so as not to disintegrate.

Afo: "Tomura comes out long daqu-" before Afo finishes, he and interrupted by the punch of All Might in the face, throwing him away.

Tomura:''Sensei!! You hero! You're going to die here and now!!" Tomura released the pole he was holding and began running towards the All Mght with intent to kill. But before he got to him, another hero got in his way, angering him even more.

Hero: "from here you don't pass-" Before the hero finishes talking, a hand on his face interrupts him disintegrating.

Tomura: "Don't get in my way!!" said Tomura with hate in his voice. Tomura continued his run to Hero Number 1 to kill, only more heroes started getting in his way, but he killed all of them that were in front of him, scaring the heroes and civilians who were watching the villain kill them without hesitation.

Getting close to All Might enough, Tomura jumped so high that the Hero's height and moved his hand forward toward the peace symbol's head to disintegrate and kill the Hero at once.

Tomura:"Now you die, ALL MIGHTT!!!!" Stretching his arm to disintegrate the Hero's head, getting closer to him.

All Might:"... Damn!!" Unable to react in time, All Might could only roll his eyes thinking it was his end, but to his surprise and Tomura's surprise, All Might was pushing back. The person who pushed Hero number 1 was no less than the Gran Torino, who saved the Number 1 Hero, but that could not speak that he saved, but who sacrificed his life in exchange for the All Might who saw Tomura's hand touching his mentor's shore with his five fingers, disintegrating his mentor before his eyes.

Gran Torino:"See if you win this fight, my friend All Might, and tell Midoriya to continue his dream of becoming the greatest Hero of all..." He said the last words of the Gran Torino with a smile and tears on his face as he died.

" He said the last words of the Gran Torino with a smile and tears on his face as he died

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Classroom of the elite: Tomura ShigarakiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora