Chaper 2

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I find myself at the entrance of a small little cave like structure, shrugging to myself as I shimmy my way into it. It's a tight fit but it would work for anyone in my position. I curl up in a ball, bringing my knees to my chest and letting out a soft sigh, relaxing my muscles.

I hear it.

The heavy breathing behind me.

My muscles tense up, my eyes shoot open.

The breathing is raspy, and scratchy.

I can feel their hot breath roll down my neck as they start to inch closer, my heartbeat going rapid.

"Smells.. nice.."

I couldn't move. There was someone behind me and I had no idea what their intentions were. They just smelled me for fucks sake! What am I supposed to do in a situation like this? I can't scream, there's no one around and my body physically will not let me at the moment. I can't run, one because of the tight space I'm in at the moment, and two because my body is frozen in place.

I feel their hands rapping around my body, their sharp, dagger like nails digging into my skin. I think they drew blood. At this point, it has a to be a male. The deep raspy voice, the size differences between our body's, their rather large hands, the tight grip they have me in. This has to be some perverted body builder, because not only are they pressing themselves against me, their strength is something I've never felt before, almost like it's inhuman.

Me breathing wavered back and forth until it hitched in my throat, the feeling of a rough, wet feeling going up my neck. IS HE LICKING ME? HES FUCKING LICKING ME? Why does it feel like a cats tongue almost?! And why does his tongue feel so.. long. His grip continued to tighten around my body as I asked myself questions about the man in my head, my body starting to hurt where he was grabbing. There was definitely going to be bruises left after this one. The longer we stayed like this, the worst things started to get. I could hear his breathing start to pick up, like a pant almost. I could hear his stomach growl as he licked up and down my neck. I could feel his thumbs rub circles around my back.. never leaving that spot. It was terrifying. What was he gonna do to me?

"Hungry.. I'm so, hungry.."

Hungry? Did he just say he's hungry? Is that why he's licking my neck like a popsicle on a hot summer afternoon? His grip then tightened around the areas he had been rubbing gently before hand. A shock of pain shooting through my body as he did, like he pierced my skin with something sharp.

"You smell nice.. your.. kidneys, smell nice.."

Did this man just say my kidneys smell nice? Did he sniff my kidneys when I wasn't paying attention? Just then, a stabbing pain went through ever muscle in my body. He stabbed me with something. I don't know what, but it's small. This guys a cannibal, he's gonna harvest my kidneys and eat them like a McDonald's happy meal. I reached back, adrenaline pumping through my body as I pulled whatever the hell it was out of my side. I took every once of my strength to elbow this guy right in the nose, shimmying my way out of the little cave I was trapped in just a few seconds ago.

Once I was out I ran, and I didn't stop. Even when I hear his loud thumping footsteps catching up from behind, I didn't stop. I couldn't stop. I was about to be killed and eaten. But how was he so fast? Why was he catching up so quickly? Is he a track star or something?

And just like that, I was tackled and pinned to the ground like a helpless little girl, kicking and squirming under his rough grasp. He flipped me around, and what I was met with absolutely terrified me.

He had no eyes. Black liquid oozed from his empty eye sockets. His skin was a dark gray, his hair a messy and tangled brown. He had teeth sharp enough to bite through bone. Drool seeped from the corners of his cracked and dry lips, his long snake like tongue licking up what it could. His hoodie was torn and tattered. He look deranged.

"I haven't eaten in weeks.." his voice echoed through my ears, raspy and cracked as it was, it had a deep demonic sound to it, making the hairs on my arms stand, and a shiver go down my spine.

"Please.. let me go.. I don't wanna die.."


Hey y'all! Sorry for such a late upload, school caught up with me and such and I haven't had time to write anything, but here's the second chapter! Hope you enjoyed!!

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