Chapter 3

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"Please.. let me go.. I don't wanna die.."

The hands that were pressed against my shoulders felt huge, like they could be bigger than my entire head. His breathing was staggered and ragged, like a dehydrated dog on a hot summer day. I shut my eyes so tight it started to hurt. This mans face was terrifying. Not because of the fact that he had no eyes, or teeth that could rip me to shreds in a matter of seconds, but because he looked deranged, mad, unhinged. He just kept inching closer and closer to me, and with every inch his warm breath got closer to my neck. He smelled musty, with a hint of dried blood. Like he hadn't bathed in weeks.

I could feel his weight coming down on me, the sheer poundage of a full grown man who looked like he did extensive workouts, and who had possibly eaten a few people before judging off of the situation at the moment. His hands crept down my sides as he kept me pinned by my legs. I had no other choice but to thrash around, it was my only hope. He had me trapped, and he was willing to go to extensive lengths to keep me in place. I was his late night dinner after all, I'm sure he didn't want me to get away anytime soon.

His cold hands slid up my shirt, his dagger like nails digging into my skin. Pain shot up my body and down my spine, but I couldn't scream, it was too much for me to even utter a sound. I went silent. I stopped struggling. There was no point, this man was about to eat me alive and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I'm a simple girl with nothing special about her. I couldn't put up a fight against someone like this man, his strength was inhuman just like he was. Maybe it'd be quick, ya know, get over and done.


"You stopped moving.. are you dead already.. no, I can still hear your heart beat.."

His voice broke me from my trance, my eyes slowly opening to find him inches from my face, staring into those lifeless sockets of his. I couldn't say anything, and neither could he. We both sat there in silence, he grip still strong against me. "It's not like moving would do much, I'll die here by your hands either way" I finally spoke up, my voice just under a whisper, all the strength and motivation to move leaving my body. I felt him shift around uncomfortably on top of me, like he didn't know what to do next.

"..." he didn't speak for a moment, but I could tell he was thinking on what he wanted to say, if anything at all. "You.. you're giving up just cause you know you aren't able to fight back-?" He chocked back a few of those words, but his voice was audibly softer, not that raspy and growl like tone he had just a few seconds ago, but it seemed to hurt his throat when he talked, clearing his throat every other second.

"Yeah.. so why did you stop? It's an easy meal for you isn't it?" I retorted, looking away from him as I felt ashamed of myself for letting something like this happen to me. I heard a scoff like noice leave his body, almost like a chuff, the sound a tiger makes. Was this guy an actual animal of some sort? He sure smelled like one..

Just then, I felt myself go limp, like I was loosing a substantial amount of blood. I started to black out, my eyes darting up to the man who still had me pinned to the ground. He was just starring at me, an emotionless look to his face as he watched me slowly slip out of consciousness. This was it. I wasn't going to be waking up. This man was going to devour me and leave my remains for the scavengers to snack on. So much for my pitiful life. I never even got to have my first kiss, and now I'm about to be eaten by a random dude who I happened to meet in a cave on a failed hiking trip.

Everything went black. I was out like a light.


Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had a bit of fun writing this one lol

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