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Most the presents were cloths, Katrina and sam got me a pandora bracelet and a few charms,one had bff on it and the other 3 were just cute little things.

I woke up to colby singing and making somat. "Yo that smells nice" I sat up from the sofa and looked at him,he was shirtless,I got up and ran behind him giving him a hug. "Morning and I'm making us breakfast" I smiled and let go of him. I grabbed some ice and poured water into a glass. "Nice singing by the way handsome" I smiled and walked back to the sofa putting the tv on and watching some old TFIL videos.

"Pff how did you feel in a wig "I laughed. "Dont bring that up"he came over with the food. "Thank you kind sir" I took my plate of him and he sat down. We started to eat.  it tasted so amazing,it was like he had a pair of magical hands which cooked everything with care. In the tv you could now hear rick and Morty's voices. This brought back so many memories,I hadn't watched it for years,I think last time I watched it was when I was 17,the last time sleeping at connors mums house before we moved,then I forgot all about it. I ate all of the food colby had cooked for me,something i hadn't been able to do before,I could never finish a meal and if I did I were not hungry all day so before I slept I had a snack.

Chills ran down my spin, as if someone had just ran over my grave, at the thought of the past. It had been so long since I last thought about it because i had moved on with life. Started fresh. New friends. Maybe even a new boyfriend it had been soo long that I hadn't dated anyone because I was scared of the pain of heartbreak,connor after all did break my heart,how did he think I would react when he just upped and left. "What are you thinking about?" I snapped out of my thoughts or what I liked to call overthinking. I smiled and just looked at him for a brief moment before looking into hes dazzling blue eyes. I had never looked at him like that so I looked backed down at my empty plate. Was I falling for this not so doutchy, douchbag. Without answering Colbys question I got up with my empty plate, grabbed Colbys now empty plate and made my way over to his kitchen. The least I could do for him was wash up,he let me stay the night and he made me an amazing breakfast,something that no over dude has dont before.

"Are you okay hailey, if never seen you as this quite?" Colby had now made his way to the kitchen and sat on his counter top. I placed the plates gently into the sink before sighing and looking up at colby,I stopped at those dazzling blue eyes again,something about them told me I could trust him. "I'm fine Colby,I just was thinking about how amazing that food was" I smiled not telling him the whole truth,I couldn't not yet anyway,it might have been to mich for him to handle and I didnt want to lose another best friend over my shitty feelings. I was still staring into his eyes until I looked back down at the still dirty plates and started washing them. "You dont need to do that hai" damn his voice made me angry but so calm at the same time. I ignored him and carried on,i dont think anyone has called me hai in the way he did since I was a teenager. I hate the thoughts of the past,I messed up and then continued messing it up. I'm a completely messed up girl.

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