Jaskier- Healing Heart: Part 2 (c)

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After a few hours of applying ointments and feeding him herbs, you were pretty sure that you had cured him, but it would be a waiting game to see if it had worked. You had learnt the two men's names through the process and sent Jaskier out of the room to let you focus on the work you needed to do for Geralt. Your daughter followed, not able to assist you in anyway and went back to her playing in the main room of the cottage.

Once you had tidied up the room, you went to join them, leaving the witcher to rest in your bed and hopefully make a quick full recovery. As soon as you entered the living area of your home, two sets of eyes were instantly on you. Halina was sat in the corner on the floor with the handsewn doll you had bought her from the market whilst Jaskier sat on the bench, concern on his face.

"Is he okay?" He asked.

"Only time will tell. He's resting currently and we won't be completely sure if it has worked for a short while but if it has, then he will not be fit to travel for a few days. Do not fret though, my home may be humble, but you are both welcome to stay here as long as you need," you assured him.

"Thank you for helping him and thank you for your kindness."

"Let me make you a cup of tea, I'm sure that you could use it."

He thanked you once again and let you boil the kettle over the fire and brew some herbal tea for the two of you. Once the two cups were filled with the drink, you joined him at your table, handing him his cup.

"How did you come to travel with a witcher?" You asked. "They aren't known to enjoy company."

"Geralt isn't any different," he chuckled. "I'm sure he would much rather I didn't travel with him, but I am his bard and his friend although I know he will deny the latter. You said that you are not a healer but the garden outside and the extensive alchemy literature would say otherwise."

"My mother was a healer; she gave me her books before her death. I've never sought it as an occupation, but the townsfolk do come to me if they need a remedy. As we live so far from the market, I grow most of our food here and having all the herbs and flowers I could ever need for healing also comes in handy."

Jaskier took a sip of his tea. "If you don't mind my asking, why do you live so far from the village? Would it not be easier to live closer?"

You shrugged your shoulders. "It may be easier, but I enjoy the quiet. I'm not the fondest of people so I'm happy here with Halina but I am sure I shall enjoy the company of you and your witcher whilst you're my guests."


Written by Charlotte.

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