Mommy Dearest

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I arrived to Fangtasia with my heart racing. I gave the taxi driver a tip, before thanking him and waving goodbye. I turned to look at the bar. Eric told me to stay away from this place if I knew what was good for me, but I felt so drawn towards it. While I was here, I felt such a rush. In a way, it took me away from my thoughts.

It felt good to be away from them, to not be thinking about the sad times and all the worries. It made me feel happy for a little while. I looked around the parking lot to finally spot Kassidy's car, and made my way towards it. I pulled out her keys and clicked the buttons to unlock it. For her being in school and working at a coffee shop, she owns a pretty nice car. It was actually impressive how much money she had saved up to get this car. As I go to open the car door, I took a look back at the building. All I could think about was what happened last night. The bar fight, how Eric showed his dominance to the other vampires, how he actually noticed me, and talked to me. How he even warned me to stay away from this place. But I just couldn't help, but think about wanting to come back here.

I wonder if he's in there right now, watching amongst the other vampires with his glare, I thought to myself. Now I see why Sookie is so drawn to vampire Bill, they're just so interesting, and devious. It almost makes you want to get to know every inch of them. I contemplated going in, but what if Eric gets angry? What would he do if he saw me in his bar again? I looked at myself through the reflection of the cars window. I ruffled up my hair, pulled down my tank top a bit to reveal some of my boobs, and then made my way to the bar. While walking to the bar, I started to second guess whether I should go in or not. What if Eric wasn't in there, and I just make a fool of myself hoping he'd be in there? Or something we're to happen to me and nobody is there to help me?

I reached the door, and held my breath. Cassandra Champlin this is the most stupidest thing you've ever done I thought to myself, before opening the door. I walked in to be greeted by the loud music, and talkative vampires. I glanced the room, taking in the scene. Of course, all the tables were taken up by the vampires, and even by some humans. I looked over to see the bar stool that I had sat at last night, was open. I guided myself over to the seat and plopped down, before being greeted by the same short haired blonde from the last night." Oh hey there girly! I remember you, another blue raspberry margarita?" She said in her high pitched voice." Yeah that would be nice, actually. Thank you" I said giving her a smile. I glanced around the room again, then to the stage, to see Eric wasn't there." You looking for Eric aren't you?" The blonde said, handing me my drink. I felt my cheeks go hot, before nodding." That noticeable?" I asked while taking a sip of my margarita.

She giggled before leaning into the table." Eric's one fine piece of meat, isn't he?" She asked as her eyes glowed. Again, I gave her a nod." How old is he anyways?" I asked, playing around with my drink." He's a little over a thousand years old." She replied. I almost choked on my own spit. He's that old of a vampire?" He used to be a Viking" she continued." The blonde he's usually with? He turned her, she's his progeny." I gave her a questioning look." What does that mean?" I asked while taking another sip of my drink." It means she's basically his child, in a sense. If he asks her to do anything, she has to do it. She basically has no choice." She replied." It's like that with every vampire." Huh, I thought to myself." Excuse me, I have to get some vamps some True Blood." She said before continuing to her job. So there I was, sitting alone with my drink. I've never in my entire life, wanted to down a drink so badly. I started to think about the interaction I had with Sam earlier tonight. Ever since I started working there, he's been kind of harsh on me. I understand being a little hard on a new worker. You're trying to get them to learn the ropes as fast as possible, trying to get them accustomed to the work space. But tonight, he showed a different side of himself. He showed the caring side of him, and maybe even a little of the loving side of himself. It was sweet, and it gave me a little piece of mind. You know, knowing that he doesn't hate me like I thought he did.

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