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A/n: This is my first Karma x Reader so please bear with me.

Disclaimer: I do not own the anime.

Your POV


I wake up and slam my alarm clock down on the ground. Oh great, my third alarm clock this week. I'll just ask Mom to get me another one.

5:00 am

Why do I wake up this early? Don't ask. My mother would kill me if I woke up any later because she wants me to be there early. My mother is currently mad at me because I got expelled from like the third school this year.

What? It's really not my fault. People just need to stop messing with me all the dang time. I got up out of my bed and walked downstairs to see my mother up too.

"Sweetie, I'm setting down some rules. 1. This better be, no this will be the last time you get expelled. My money can't keep paying for the stuff you break. (If you wanted to know, she's not talking about things, she's talking about body parts) I don't have time for this. You used to be so sweet but ever since your father left us, you've been acting different. I know how sad you are but you can't keep causing trouble for me. 2. You will not get into any fights or there's gonna have to be a problem. 3. No boyfriends and you're not allowed to hang with friends after school. COme straight home. That's your punishment for getting expelled from the last three schools." She tells me.

I scoffed. " Tch. Whatever" I loved my mother, I really did but she doesn't know how It feels like for her father to be gone from your life. I would never do anything to hurt her but I can't change. I'm just stuck in this dark and lonely world all by myself.

I yanked my bookbag up from the ground and walked out of the house. The uniform wasn't that bad but it was too formal. I hated it. Lost in my thoughts, I bumped into someone.

"Sorry" I mumble and continue walking. I didn't care to wait for his answer, I just walked. I could feel him staring at me so I walked a little faster.

~Time Skip~

I finally reached school. It looked so formal. Tch, I can't believe I'm going to a prestigious school like this one. I could already see me sleeping in class.

I looked at the rooms and it said Class A-D. It must've stopped at D because it was at the end of the school. The class I was going to was Class A. I started to hear murmers.

"Karma shouldn't even be in Class E, he should just get expelled."

" I know right. He doesn't listen. Crazy red head. "

"It doesn't really matter because Class E is as good as being expelled. No one cares for that class."

Class E? All I see is A-D. Maybe I misheard. I shrugged it off when the bell rang. Oh no, I'm going to be late for my first class. Note the sarcasm. I continued to walk at my pace in an empty hallway. Everyone must've rushed to their class.

I got to my room like 10 minutes after class had started and I walked in. No one's eyes turned to me. They were busy reading something and copying things down from the board. Geesh, didn't class just start.

I don't want to be here.

"(Y/n) (L/n) You're late for class. We do not tolerate tardiness. Go take your seat." The teacher said with a stern voice.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever" I ended up sitting next to some orange haired purple eyed freak. He looked like he was daddy's boy and the teacher's pet. I averted my eyes from him when he caught me and smirked.

Tragedy (Karma x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now