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Omg, so I was looking through my stories and saw this. I forgot that I had this book. Forgive me for not updating.

I ran down the stairs so quickly and down to the dinner table. I took the seat right between Auntie Rina and Ms. Akabane.

"Well someone's excited about dinner?" Ms. Akabane giggled.

Ugh! Like mother, like son. I was blushing like crazy. Karma, you cant play with my feelings like this. I was trying to hide how flustered I was but Karma coming down made it worse. Of course, Auntie Rina noticed this.

"Tell me about it when they leave" she whispered into my ear.

I nodded at her.

"OHHH?" Karma started staring at us.

"What's the secret? let me in on it." He said.

"No, mind your business you brat...........well cute brat," Auntie Rina said making me blush like crazy. 

Is this how I'm going to die? Being flustered over a boy who kissed me. It's not like I haven't been kissed before. I was just nervous. Really nervous. My ex was the last person who kissed me and lets not talk about how that ended.

I started eating slowly while staring at my food.

"Y/n chan, what's wrong? You've been awfully quiet." Ms. Akabane says.

Are you implying that I talk a lot? Of course, the rudeness is in their blood. I mentally facepalmed.

"Oh, nothing's wrong. I'm perfectly fine. I'm just not hungry anymore." I say pushing my plate away.

"Oh, but you seemed hungry before. I guess you could save the food." Ms. Akabane tells me.

"Sure, I'm tired tho. *yawn* I'll go to sleep now."

Before she could say anything, I dashed up the stairs and jumped on my bed. No, I'm not supposed to be the kind of girl who fangirls like this. I'm supposed to be the girl who got expelled from three schools. He's ruining my reputation.

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH, I can't think about this anymore. My heart is hurting. Ugh, what do I do? What do I do? Should I ask for advice from Rio? Yea, she'll definitely help me get rid of this heartache.

(You Rio)

SOooo, what's up Rio?

"What do you need? You rarely text me.

You found me out. Umm, I just have something to tell you.

" What's wrong? Is this about Karma?

"Whaaaaaat?? How'd you know?

" I'm Rio. I know everything but let me just tell you that you have competition.

Okuda likes him too so if you want to get to him first......

Wait, wait, wait. I don't want to get him.

Yea, he's hot but I don't like him. It's just that............

Just that.......


"So he kissed you and you're getting all flustered and you don't know what this is?"

" How'd you even get that? "

"I've been helping Okuda. What do you think?

" Well, that explains that.

So, can you help me?

Sure, let's talk business tomorrow though. It's getting kind of late.

"What? I texted you to talk about it today. Not tomorrow. I wouldn't be able to confront him.

" So the big bad Y/n is in trouble huh? You really don't know how to deal with crushes?

"No, because I have a reputation to keep. I would never even think about the word love or crush."

"Ok, I'll ttly"

"No, I said now.



Rio, Rio


Fine, you meanie.

I thought you had a reputation to keep. But you're pouting over a text.

Shut up, you're so mean.

Anyways, like I said. I will talk to you tmr. I'm a busy woman. I have other patients you know.


I basically threw my phone on the bed until I heard a ding. Yesss Rio has time for me now. I pick up my phone excited to see what Rio has for me. But it was from an unknown number.

Unknown Number - Hello Y/n

Wait, this is Karma's number. How does he have my number?

Me: Karma, how did you get my number?

Karma: How did you know it was my number?

I could literally see the smirk on his face right now.


" Hey, Rio give me Karma's number. " I tell Rio.

"Sure, what for?" she asks.

"Just because," I said.

She nodded and gave it to me.

I'm not going to tell him that.

Me: Why are you texting me?

KArma: Because I'm leaving your house now.

Me: And you're telling me this becauseeeeeee

Karma: Just thought you'd want to know.

Me: Well I don't care and don't save my number or I'm going to block you.

Karma: Y/n chan, why are you so mean to me?

Me: J-Just doesn't save it.

Karma: Ok Y/n chaaaaan.

I definitely was not going to block him. He's Karma. Why would I do that? I end up falling asleep excited for Nakamura's advice more than I thought I would be.

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