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I do not own this anime

A/n: Guys, if I ever curse in the story, then it'll be censored. XD but I'm dead serious.

Your POV

School just finished about 2 minutes ago and I was about to leave the classroom when a green-haired girl stopped me. She was beautiful. I smiled at her. I have the feeling that I'll be making more than one best friend.


"I didn't introduce myself before so I'm Kayano." She said. I smiled at her.

"Good to know. I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." I said shaking her hand.

"Do you want to hang out with the rest of us?" she asked me.

3. No boyfriends and you're not allowed to hang with friends after school. COme straight home. That's your punishment for getting expelled from the last three schools."

I gulped and shook my head no. She frowned but I just walked away. I didn't want to be too nice. I was walking to my house when I noticed a certain redhead in front of my house.

I sneaked up on him and scared him. He didn't budge though so I frowned.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"What are you doing here?" He asks me back.

"Touche. I'm just here to go home. So what are you doing in front of my house?" I asked him now more specifically.

He looked surprised. "You mean, you're my neighbor??" He asked.

What? Neighbor? I looked over and saw a house near mine. I never knew I would have a neighbor.

"I guess so but that doesn't explain why you were in front of my door," I say pointing at my doorway.

"What else would I be here for? I'm just greeting my neighbors and a little friendly gesture." He gave me a creepy smile.

"Mom put you up to this?" I asked pretty much knowing the answer.

He grunted in response as I giggled at him. He then looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I just wouldn't think someone like you could giggle?" He said surprised definitely teasing me.

"And I didn't know someone like you would be killed at an early age. You seem tougher." I gave him his sinister smile.

He smirked at me. I walked up to the door and pulled out my key. Once I put it in and opened the door, I walked in with Karma by my side.

My mother looked at me and then looked back at whatever she was chopping. Maybe dinner.

"What did I say about getting boyfriends? It's only your first day of school and you're already disobeying my orders. You don't listen and you really need to start listening to me. I give you shelter, clothes, shoes, and food and you can't give me one thing back. I suggest you move out of this house if you can't follow my rules." She said rambling on.

I sighed. "Mom, this is our neighbor. He was just giving a friendly gesture but if you don't want it, then he could leave." I said clearly frustrated at her sudden outburst.

"Oh sorry, come in. To say sorry, I welcome you and your mother to dinner by me." She said smiling completely changing her voice from before.

Mothers, am I right?

Karma just walked into the house and took his shoes off at the door. He smiled at her and nodded and my mother's request.

"Mom, I'm going to go take a shower. Adios." I say trying to leave.

"Wait a minute. You have a guest and you're going to shower? He's your age. Go bond with him or study." She said.

I facepalmed and cursed under my breath while I saw Karma chuckle a little.

"Karma, stay with (Y/n)chan while I go get your mother." My mother said walking out of the house.

I sigh and walk up to my room. I was about to open my door when it struck me like lightning. My room was filled with BTS posters all over and I do mean all over.

My blanket, my desk, my walls, my floor, my lamp, the alarm clock that I don't have yet, my closet and etc!! I started freaking out.

"Karma, wait right there," I say quickly walking into my room and shutting the door in his face.

I quickly ripped everything down and stuffed it into my closet. After I was done, I opened my door and smiled at him. There was nothing I could do with my covers because it was real covers with their faces and not posters.

He came in and looked around.

"Your room is pretty normal for someone like you." He smirked. I hit him upside his head.

"And your head is pretty big for someone like you," I said smiling at him.?

He stared at me for a second and laughed.

"So why did you transfer to Class E?" He asks me plopping on my bed.

"Because of things," I said rolling my eyes.

"Wait, better question. Why did you transfer to my school in the middle of the year." He asked.

I definitely wasn't telling him why. "That's none of your business," I said with a serious look on my face.

He looked at me for a bit and sighed.

"Sorry if I pushed my luck." He said rubbing the back of his head.

"Yea yea" I mumble.

"So? What do you do for fun?" He asked me AS a smirk appeared on my face.

"You wanna know?" He nodded.



We were currently playing video games and my favorite one is "STREET FIGHTERS" Karma kept beating me and I kept betting with him which resulted in me giving him multiple things.

I just now have him my golden watch. It didn't mean much but it meant much.

"Wanna play again?" He teased

" No" I pout.

"You know, I've been thinking, if your grades are perfect, then you definitely got into E Class because of your behavior. But the thing is, you just don't seem like that kind of girl." He teased.

"Don't be so quick to judge. You've only known me for a day." I smile.

Just then, our mothers come in with a bunch of food. We ended up eating and Karma and his mother left. It was then a GOOD NIGHT.

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