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A/N- Little note before we start. I'm in a very happy mood right now so this chapter is going to be pretty long or at least longer than usual. If I had to describe myself as a color, I would be yellow and I don't like that color so that's something.

I finish cleaning my room and plopped on my bed. 'Maybe I should change into something that expresses my feelings as an extrovert.' I then jumped up when I heard the doorbell. Is it the girls? I'm overly excited right now because this would probably be my first sleepover ever! The first time I can act like a girl for once. 

I ran down the stairs and opened the door. "HEY GIRLS!" 

My mood then drops as it was not who I expected. It was Karma. 

"Ehh, Y/n-chan, did your expression change when you noticed it wasn't the girls?" He pouted like a little baby.

"It's not my fault. I'm just so excited." I claim as I plopped onto the couch.

"Well, I brought the snacks and my homemade chocolate cookies if you still wanted it." Karma said walking towards the kitchen.

"Oh yeah, thx Karma-kun," I said hugging him from behind.

He just shrugged. "Anyway, ill probably order some pizza. But thanks Karma. You could leave now if ya want." I said inviting him out the door.

"Sure, it's nothing." He just answered and walked out.

I wonder what's up with him. Oh well.

I called the pizza guy and ordered around fifteen boxes of pizza. I mean we probably won't eat all of it but ill save some for Karma-kun and the boys from E Class. 

I then proceeded to put all of the snacks Karma brought onto my small coffee table. It was a lot so not everything fits on the small table but that'll have to do. They should be coming now.

*Ding dong* *ding dong*

I walked towards the door in my red sweatshirt and some blue jeans with nude colored boots. After all, it was getting colder. The holidays were coming up and I always get excited around the holidays.

 The holidays were coming up and I always get excited around the holidays

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I opened the doors to see all of the girls rush into my house. "Hey Y/n" Nakamura said hugging me as I shut the door.

If you didn't know, here's who came: (just in case, yall don't know their names, ill show a pic)



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