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It was now a shopping day.

Nakamura's POV

I woke up around 9:00 am. We'll be leaving around 10:00 am. I decided to take an early shower and think. 'Y/n likes Karma hm? There's definitely no way I'm getting him now. Oh well, there's always other hot boys that has the same personality as me' There's no way I'm messing up my new ship. Prepare yourself Y/n.

Y/n's Pov

I wake up and hear the shower turning off. Assuming it was one of the girls, I walked in with a towel and see Nakamura blow-drying her hair. She then turns to me after seeing me.

"Oh good morning Y/n-chan. You can go in now. I'll wake the others and tell them to use the other shower." Nakamura said to me walking out.

I nodded and went to the shower. After my shower, I dried myself off and got dressed

I then walked downstairs to see the girls dressed too

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I then walked downstairs to see the girls dressed too. 

"Oh, Good Morning girls." I smile at them.

"Good morning Y/n." The girls replied.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked walking over to them in the kitchen.

As I walked over to the girls crowded in a circle, they were all whispering so they looked like they joined a cult or something.

"Hey, girls whatcha doing?" I asked until they parted and snickered.

It was Karma. He was making breakfast and he was dressed in a maid outfit. Probably the girls. 

I snickered a little

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I snickered a little.

"Y/n-chan, it's not funny. They literally undressed me while I decided to surprise you, girls, with breakfast." Karma pouted as he stirred the eggs.

I continued giggling until it came out as a full laugh. This was too funny. Everyone joined in with me after a while until we just stopped.

"I never knew that Karma has the key to your house," Okano said smirking.

"H-he only has it because his mother comes over for dinner and stuff." I looked away embarrassed.

"Anyway, I'm done with breakfast. I'll let the others in now." Karma said taking off the dress and walking towards the door.

"OTHERS!" all the girls yelled.

"Hey, Y/n and extras." The boys came in saying.

I snickered while the girls muttered about being called "extras"

"I didn't know a girl's house would be so boring. I thought there would be bras and underwear on the couches." Okajima says pouting a little as Kurahashi slaps his head forward.

"No one invited you here anyway," Yada commented.

"Anyway, after breakfast, you boys can get out because we girls are going somewhere," Kaede said.

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure Y/n doesn't want a bunch of boys *cough* Okajima *cough* in her house," Kanzaki said which made all the boys snicker and the girls giggled.

After breakfast, we soon parted ways and then us girls headed to the mall.

"Sooooooo, how'd you like it?" Nakamura says sneaking up from behind me and placing her arms around my neck..

"Like what?"

"We dressed up Karma for you. Wasn't it cute?" She teased.

"Stop teasing," I said pushing her arm off of me.

But I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty cute and I'm guessing they could tell from the way I'm blushing.

"You're so cute." Nakamura nuggies my head.

"Rio-san, stop teasing her," Kanzaki said walking up on the side of me.

"Thank you, Kanzaki." I smile at her.

"I'm sure he teases her enough at her house," Kanzaki smirks.

I blush a thousand times more than Karma's hair.

"HE'S NOT AT MY HOUSE EVERY DAY," I yell as the two laughs.

When did Kanzaki turn into a baddie? Wait, she was always a baddie. Real question: When did Kanzaki turn into a dirty baddie? I anime cry watching them laugh.

The other girls were in groups talking. After we shopped, then came the next day which was the long waited trip.

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