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Disclaimer: I do not own the anime

Your POV

I woke up the next morning and yawned. I don't know why I'm so excited to be in E Class but I just am. I changed into some clothes because I didn't have to wear a uniform in Class E.

I'm already liking this class. I went downstairs and saw my mother making breakfast.

"Hey mom."

" What's got you so excited? "

"Please, I can't just say hi to my mom"

" (Y/n) I heard from the principal that you've been moved all the way down to Class E"

"Mom, don't worry about it."

" I want you to give me your phone "

"Mom, you're overreacting"


I sucked my teeth and handed her my phone. I rolled my eyes and left the house slamming the door behind. I'm not in the mood anymore for anything.

~Time Skip~

I went to the main building to go ask the principal where Class E was but I was stopped by a teacher.

"My name is Karasuma Sensei and you will be coming with me." He said grabbing my hand.

I pulled away from him. "I know you're a teacher and all but don't touch me," I said .

He sighed. "Sorry Ms. (L/n), but I will lead you to your class." He said and started walking.

I followed slowly behind while looking at my surroundings. The teacher noticed and kept glancing back at me.

"Do you want anything?" I asked him.

"No, it's just that we're here." He said . I looked up and saw a mountain.

The same mountain from yesterday. I quickly climbed it up and smiled when I reached the top. It felt good to be here.

"Karasuma Sensei, tell me. Is this where I'm having class?" I asked pretty hyped.

He smirked a little and nodded. I jumped up into the air and screamed "YEEESSSSS"

I swear I heard him laugh. I already like this teacher. I took out some gum from my pocket and popped it in my mouth.

I started walking in the building. It was fascinating, well not fascinating but I loved this place. It wasn't fancy at all. It was dull, just the way I like it.

I heard Karasuma Sensei walking behind me and walked inside the classroom leaving me outside.

"Nurfuufuru" I heard a teacher inside say.

"We have a new student today so please quiet down. (Y/n) (L/n) come in" that teacher said.

I walked into the room and looked around. Everyone here looked boring except for a certain redhead. That's the same redhead from yesterday.

I smiled at him and walked up to the weird octopus for a teacher. I wasn't surprised or anything because that was cool to me. I'm honored to have an octopus as a teacher. I shook his hand and everyone looked surprised.

I shrugged it off and started to introduce myself.

"(Y/n) (L/n), my favorite color is blue and black and I also love red. That's pretty much everything about me." I said looking at the redhead the whole time. He smirked.

"Nururuufurur, you can now sit in front of Karma Akabane." The teacher SAID . He stood up and he just happened to be the handsome redhead. I smiled and walked to my seat.

"Karma shouldn't even be in Class E, he should just get expelled."

" I know right. He doesn't listen. Crazy redhead. "

"It doesn't really matter because Class E is as good as being expelled. No one cares for that class."

I kept thinking about what the students were saying and noticed that the handsome redhead was Karma. Saying such things about this cutie is just unacceptable.

I laid down on my desk for pretty much the whole time he was speaking and the teacher hadn't said anything. I wish I always have octopus teachers.

I also found out some other things like we were supposed to kill Koro Sensei. I loved the idea. This class was the best and I will never ever ever go back to Class A especially with that orange head guy.

He reminds me of the creepy principal. Anyways, it was now lunchtime and Koro Sensei went to America for some fried chicken wings. I tried to stop him because I've been there and the president.

Let's not talk about that. Hopefully, he'll be back safe and sound. I rather not kill him but it seems funs so I'll do it. My mother always thought I was abnormal.

I was taking out my lunch when some blue-haired guy and his friends including the handsome redhead came up to me.

"Hey, do you want to eat lunch with us?" The blue-haired guy asked.

"Sorry, I don't know you. My mother told me to not talk to strangers." I said because I didn't want or need friends.

"How about we come to you then?" This time the redhead said that.

I shrugged. I guess he took that as a yes and smirked. I didn't really mind if the redhead was there. Maybe I'll start calling him Akabane. Naw, I'll stick to Karma

I started eating as they all put their desks together and added them to mine. I pretty much ignored the screeching and everything.

"So we went introduced ourselves. I'm Nagisa Shiota." The blue-haired guy says.

He was kinda cute but cute as a friend. Nothing more. And yes, I know he's a boy, you could tell.

"I'm Rio Nakamura." Some girl said .

She looked fierce. New best friend. Check ✔

"I'm Isogai." a boy said.

I just nodded at everyone waiting for Akabane to introduce himself. But he never said anything.

"And you are?" I asked looking at the redhead.

"I thought your momma told you not to talk to strangers." He smirked.

I scoffed. Sarcastic. I'm already liking this guy. I didn't answer him.

" I'm Ritsu and that's Karma Akabane." I looked over and saw a girl inside of Akabane's phone.

I laughed. This class really is the best one.

"Hey Ritsu," I said smiling at her. She smiled back. I'm already making friends.

Glad to know this school won't be a total waste.

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