Chapter 8: The Hebra Mountains

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Chapter 8: The Hebra Mountains

The party had traveled for a long time passing by many stables and caravans on their way to the Hebra Region. They finally arrived back in the Hebra Region just before noon. They had put on their Snowquill outfits and were comfortably navigating the snowy pathway back to the cave that they previously went through. As they arrived at the area with the cave, they noticed a fire was set up in front of it with a tent and a horse nearby. They rode closer to the fire and discovered that it was Link in his own Snowquill outfit.

"Well well well, if it ain't The Monster Squad." Link said at the sight of the party.

"I thought you said you'd leave the job to us." Poump said. Although he understood where Link came from more, he didn't like having him around.

"I never said that. I said I'd meet you guys here in the morning. As of right now it's almost noon, but that's fine because you guys needed your rest as well as the travel time to get here. Since I was waiting for you, I was able to do a bit of scouting around the area." Link got up from the fireplace. "So, shall we begin?"

"Yes, let's do this." Poump said, getting off of his horse, and the others got off of their horses as well.

"Alright. Here, follow me." Link said and he motioned for them to follow him. He walked away from the cave.

"Wait, the cave is that way." Poump said to Link, pointing at the cave.

"Of course it is! I'm showing you guys where you need to go once you get the monsters out of the cave." Link stopped walking. "Up there." He pointed up a rather steep looking hill. "A good friend of mine has set up a camp for the monsters to rest at when we're escorting them. Her name is Selmie. She probably knows these mountains even better than me. She also has a cabin up there which you will be able to take a rest at." Link turned around to the party. "Any questions?"

"No, we're good." Poump said after a brief pause. Link and the squad walked into the cave together. They walked through the dungeon, which was mostly desolate now since the enemies inside of it have been slain. They then made it to the big doorway.

Link stopped the team at the doorway. "Alright, I should've asked you this question on the boat. What color was the Lynel's mane in this colony?"

"Color?" The Zora said. "We're supposed to remember what color it's mane was?"

"Yes, their color can determine how strong they are. A red mane is when they're at their weakest, but they still pose a threat even when they're red. Blue is just above red, just slightly more powerful. White-maned Lynels are even more deadly. They have some of the best Lynel weapons and their sheer power is almost unparalleled. The final color for a Lynel's mane is silver, but we shouldn't need to worry about that since Ganon is dead. The silver-maned Lynels only existed during the time of Calamity Ganon's control." Link looked at the party. They were mostly intimidated by the idea of facing a Lynel that could possibly crush them very easily.

"I have an idea Link, since you've killed so many Lynels before, you should go in there and kill it." The Zora said. She remembered the time when he killed the Lynel in order to get shock arrows to board onto Vah Ruta.

"Our goal is to escort the monsters, not kill them, but the Lynels weren't really a part of the deal. They're too smart to follow a few Hyruleans like us. We would also risk ourselves getting killed by it outside in the snow. Big chances are the Lynel will get killed, but if we do that in front of the monsters, then they will think of us as an enemy, so we have to get them out before we even think about battling the Lynel." Link looked through the doorway and through the tunnel. "Let's go take a look. There are two tunnels along this way. One of them will lead to an area overlooking the cave with the monster colony, the other is the ground level entrance that we will need to use for escorting the monsters out of the cave." Link took out a mask that looked like a Bokoblin's head. The mask looked like it was haphazardly put together, with buttons for eyes. "Now, I will try to blend in with the monsters and communicate with them. This mask works all the time."

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