Chapter 33: Skull Kid's Last Laugh

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Chapter 33: Skull Kid's Last Laugh

It was night time. The moon was in the air at Lurelin Village, and Poump and the others had finished restocking themselves on potions and other necessities. Poump walked up to Zelda in her tent. "We're ready to go to Hyrule Castle now." Poump told Zelda.

"Very well then. Be very careful out there at the castle. It's overgrown with excessive plant life, and Roldi told me a few of the soldiers have even been eaten by some of the plants. Take care of yourselves in the castle. Once you've secured the castle, the armies from the different colonies will converge at Hyrule Castle, where we will make our stand against the army of monsters and Yiga soldiers." Zelda showed them a route on the map that could cut across Hyrule Field, and also showed them what to look out for. "Any questions?"

"Where would the vault of rupees be?" Uten asked.

"Hidden in the courtyard somewhere. Bollocks, do you think I would tell you where a vault of rupees are?" Zelda replied with a sense of dullness. "Zhago, keep her in check, before she performs a heist in the middle of a country-wide crisis."

"As you wish, my Queen." Zhago said, bowing down to Zelda.

"Any important questions?" Zelda asked again.

"No, we're good here." Poump said. "We'll be making our way to Hyrule Castle right now and get to the bottom of whatever's been causing that plant life."

"Good." Zelda said. "Then I trust all of you can deal with the task greatly. Once you reach Hyrule Castle Town, call me."

"Got it. Bye." Poump said as he and the others walked out of the tent. Zelda heard them get onto their horses and then gallop away from Lurelin Village. Zelda took a look at the map again, coordinating different attack routes. She noticed a lot of the monsters across Hyrule seemed to be sporadic in nature, which was unusual to her since the monsters would usually contain themselves in one area. Then, she heard a noise outside. A warhorn from Bokoblins sounded in the air across Lurelin Village. Zelda looked at a Royal Broadsword, a Royal Shield, and a Royal Bow in the room and picked them up. She stocked up a quiver full of different types of arrows and marched out of the tent. The villagers around Lurelin Villager were in a panic.

"Bokoblins?! In Lurelin Village?!" One of the villagers screamed. The villagers all ran into their homes and locked themselves in. They had never anticipated something like this, as Lurelin Village even in the time of the Calamity was never struck directly with monster attacks. It was a very secluded village, far away from anywhere else in Hyrule, which made it the most relaxing place to go to. However this time, Zelda knew that the forces of the monsters were even more tenacious than they normally would be. Zelda saw a horde of Bokoblins running into the village. She aimed her bow into the sky and let loose several fire arrows. They shot through the night sky, illuminating it. Then she aimed her bow at the horde of Bokoblins rushing towards her. She knocked an ice arrow to it and shot the ice arrow at the horde of Bokoblins, which froze one of them in place. Zelda knocked a shock arrow and shot it at the iced up Bokoblin, which created a field of electricity surrounding the iced Bokoblin. This electrocuted a lot of the Bokoblins to death, but more of them were coming her way. Zelda stood her ground and brought out her sword and shield. An incoming Black Bokoblin held a Royal Broadsword and whacked it at Zelda, she blocked the attacks and slashed at the Black Bokoblin's stomach. The Bokoblin's guts fell out of its stomach, and then it fell to the ground dead. A swarm of Bokoblins surrounded Zelda. They all had spears, and some of them were colored white, while a few others were colored blue. They all squealed and prepared to attack her. Zelda put her shield above her head. A few fire arrows rained from the sky and hit each Bokoblin surrounding her. If they didn't hit the Bokoblin, the flames from the arrow caused them to catch fire. The Bokoblins screeched wildly as they tried rolling on the sand to douze their flames. Zelda ran up to one of the Blue Bokoblins on the floor and planted her Royal Shield into its neck, spraying blood from the area and killing it in the process. Zelda booked it towards a wooden tower in the area, which had a ladder to climb up on. A few of the Bokoblins caught up to her and they grabbed her by the legs. Zelda was brought to the ground, but she grabbed her sword and turned around and flung her sword at the Bokoblins that grabbed her. She knocked a Black Bokoblin away from her, but the other Bokoblin grabbing her was a Golden Bokoblin. Then a large orange fist slammed into the Golden Bokoblin, sending it flying away from Zelda. Zelda looked up and she saw Midna, who helped her back up.

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