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Section 1: Mental Illness/ Therapy
Ex: Depression/ Anxiety/ Eating Disorders/ Bipolar/ Therapy (works or not. Both will be written about)

Section 2: Physical Illness
Ex: Cancer/ Corona/ Plagues/ Other Illnesses

Section 3: Loss/Grief
Ex: Death of a person or thing or animal (whether it is natural causes or something not natural)/ Losing a personality or person mentally and emotionally/ Grieving is self explanatory but it's grief for loss here in section 3.

Section 4: Natural Disasters/ Grief
Ex: Hurricanes/Tornadoes/ Fires/ Wild Fires/ Floods/ This grief is for losing homes and people to natural disasters.

Section 5: LGBTQ+/ Mental Illnesses
Ex: Support in who you are/ happiness with who you are/ Lesbian/ Asexual/ Gay/ Straight/ Pan/ Bi/ and many many more.
Ex: Mental illnesses such as: Dysmorphia/ Dysphoric/ Low Self esteem/ Anxiety/ Social Anxiety/ Depressed with lack of support

Section 6: Racial Issues/ Stereotypes
Ex: Racial slurs/ Stereotypes about different races/ Superior bullshit/ Equality

Section 7: Bad Love and Advice For It
Ex: Fragile Masculinity/ Toxic Masculinity/ abusive relationships/ domestic violence/ bad ways of showing love/ red flag&signs/ Family

Section 8: Good Love/ Advice
Ex: Happiness/ Trust/ Honesty/ Love Languages/ Family/ the 5 love languages

Section 9: Triggers/ Suicidal Thinking
Ex: Suicide attempts/ People scare me/ fear/ sadness/ Depression/ Trying new things is a trigger for me/ Change/ anything that makes you feel a strong emotion

Section 10: People's Requests

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