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L𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 F𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The night sky mixed with the cold weather made Y/N stomach filled with butterflies. She was dressed in baggy sweatpants and a sweatshirt that was way too big for her body, and a soft fuzzy blanket wrapped around her shoulders. 

Y/N sat on the edge of the hospital roof, staring off into space. She was tired. Tired of everything really. Mentally, emotionally, physically. Everything was too much to handle at the moment, but she's holding on.. for him. 

Y/N glanced at her swinging feet, her mind going completely blank. She didn't want to think. She wished she could just shut off her brain when her thoughts start becoming a problem.

"Y/N? Y/N, you scared everyone. Why did you run off?" Y/N didn't turn her head, she already knew who is was. Y/N signed and closed her E/C eyes. 

"I needed air. I felt suffocated in that room, plus with all those people in there... I'm sorry Shoto.." Y/N felt his hand on the small of her back. Todoroki decided to sit next to the girl, finally spending some alone time with her. They sat in silence, enjoying each others company. Y/N rested her head on Todoroki's shoulder, while he snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her into the comfort of his body. Y/N sighed and closed her eyes once more. 

"How are you feeling?" Todoroki's voice was soft and quiet. After all that happened over the years, he knew Y/N wasn't doing great. 

"I'm exhausted, and tired, and sore, and just over all feel like shit." Y/N laughed lightly. It was true, no part of her felt good, and that won't change for a while.  


Todoroki had a traumatic childhood. Just the thought of it makes him uneasy and upset. The only thing that kept him sane was Y/N, his best friend. The two were inseparable, they did everything together and love each other very much. The two watched each other grow from innocent children to young teens on a journey through the troubles of life. 

The two made it through elementary, Todoroki's quirk manifested, during that time, as he figured out he had the ability to produce fire and ice from his body. Y/N was always amazed by Todoroki's quirk, she thought it was beautiful. Since she was born without a quirk, Y/N was Todoroki's personal cheerleader. The two loved each other very much, they would be lost without one another. 

So when Todoroki heard that Y/N went missing over night, his heart shattered into thousands of pieces. He cried and cried, not knowing what to do without Y/N by his side. He prayed that she would return to him safely. Yet months turned into years and there were no signs of Y/N. Todoroki's pain followed him throughout the remainder of middle school, and continued to linger inside his head during his time at Yuuei, where he once promised Y/N he would go.  

While Todoroki worried, Y/N traveled to hell and back after being kidnapped by the League of villains. She was a guinea pig to them, nothing but a science experiment. Everyday was a struggle, but the only thing keeping her sane was Todoroki. She had hope that he would save her, he always promised her that if she were in danger he would be there to save her.. no matter what. That was a long time ago, and people change. Y/N had no idea if Todoroki still remembered her after all these years. She hoped he did. 

Everyday was torture for the girl. Endless shots and getting pricked with needles. non-stop beatings, and being starved half to death. Y/N wasn't even sure she was going to survive after all the experiments done to her body. But soon, she became what the villains intended her to be all those years ago- a weapon of mass destruction. She gained a quirk called Chaos Manipulation, a quirk so powerful, that if not cared for properly could cause madness and sorrow. For years Y/N was beaten and bruised while being forced to train every hour of each day. Y/N couldn't control her quirk for a very long time, in turn giving her deep and nasty scars that littered her body. 

An ability Y/N noticed first was the power to manipulate chaos magic. This power was connected to her life force energy, which grew stronger as she got older. Y/N was also given the power of teleportation, telekinesis, and the ability to fly. She became and expert in hand to hand combat, she also became a great tactician and decision planner. But with these powers, came the drawbacks. Her mental health was questionable, but she was taught how to cover it up. With all the beatings and testings mixed in with it, Y/N's head was a void of nothingness. She became exactly what the villains wanted, she was nothing but a weapon. 

She never thought this day would ever come, when she would be saved from her tormentors. Panic arouse when loud yells and screams echoed through the empty halls of the testing facility. Y/N stayed quiet, making sure to listen for any voices. She put her ear to the cold steel door, trying to block out any other noises. Her E/C eyes went wide as she heard the booming voice of her savior. 

"I am here!" 

After her years being tested on and trained, Y/N never spoke a word. She never spoke out of fear for her well being, and soon it became normal for her. But when she heard All Might's voice, Y/N screamed in joy as tears fell down her cheeks. She banged on her cell door, screaming as loud as she could, to help the heroes find her. Her doors were resistant against her quirk after any attempts of escaping, all of them failing. So Y/N could do was scream and bang on the door and hope someone would hear her. 

She was going to be saved... Y/N never thought this day would actually happen. Y/N dreamed of the day she would be set free, and she was thankful the time was sooner than later. 

Soon enough her door was knocked down, and there stood All Might in all his glory, smiling down at Y/N. He noticed how thin and malnourished she was, his smile dropped and was replaced with sadness sympathy. He crouched down so he was face to face with the girl, and smiled at her once again. 

"Mrs. L/N, you are safe now." 

The young girl, in the safety of her protectors arms, was rushed to the hospital to recover from the years of everything she had to endure. Soon the news broke out everywhere, about the girl who went missing several years ago, safe and sound and in recovery. Y/N couldn't stop crying, as she was finally able to see the sun rise again. 

It's been a very long time since Y/N has been around real genuine people, and it scared her, especially the doctors. But she knew she was safe and sound, she was is free from her captives. She felt relief, a feeling Y/N hasn't felt in a very long time. 

And during this time Y/N never expected to see Shoto Todoroki run through her hospital doors with tears running down his face. 

"Oh my god.. Y/N!" 


A tear slid down Y/N's cheek, while a small smile started to form on her lips. Todoroki looked down at the girl he held in his arms, noticing her tears. 

"Why are you crying? Is everything alright?" Todoroki places his hand on her cheek, wiping away any tears. Y/N shook her head up and down, opening her eyes to look into Todoroki's mismatched ones. 

"I'm just so grateful for everything Shoto.."

Todoroki pressed a delicate kiss onto her forehead, and laid his head on top of Y/N's.

"I love you more than anything else.. Y/N." 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Thank you so much for requesting! 

 I absolutely loved this idea, it was sick. 



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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