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Every day in the Committee was like the last. After sessions, Billingsgate would ask me to accompany him to the Obliviator Headquarters where I would be left outside the office to listen. I'm not sure why I went along with it each time. I'm not even sure why I never asked him about it. What Ron said stuck with me, maybe it was because I was new.

Each time I waited outside the office, I would see Draco in the exact same spot as the first time. Sometimes he'd just glance, but others he would stare just like before and look concerned once Billingsgate walked out of the office. Once he even looked down and smiled at his hands as if he were laughing at me. I just blushed and turned away to hide my embarrassment.

Today was different. Right when Billingsgate walked into the door, Draco approached me. With Harry's warning in my mind, my heart started to race. I hesitantly looked up at him and met his eyes.

"I see you every time you come in yet you've never introduced yourself. Why is that?" He asked, confrontational.

"I-" I stuttered, unsure of what to say. It's been so long since that day on the platform but did he really forget me? I couldn't read his expression and that made talking to him even more daunting.

"I'm Draco Malfoy." He says, holding his hand out to me. I look at his hand then back up at him. He seems friendly enough right now. I try to compose myself and smile up at him.

"I know. I'm Y/N Y/L/N." I reply, shaking his hand. He half-smiles and takes back his hand.

"I know that as well", he says and for a second I think it's because he remembered me, "Billingsgate and Fudgel have mentioned you." He states, watching my eyes. I can tell he's trying to read my reaction but I'm not sure why yet.

"Oh. Was it anything bad?" I ask sheepishly, trying to hide my disappointment. He chuckles at this and shakes his head.

"Not bad, per se. They just talk about how you're new and that you have yet to show your true potential." He replies. I feel my face fall. It's not bad but it's not too good either. Billingsgate still hasn't given my credit.

"I see..." I say, unable to come up with anything else. What did he want from me?

"Since I see you almost every day, would you like to join me at lunch for some coffee?" He asks nonchalantly. There isn't a hint of nervousness in his voice, he sounds so sure, like he knows I could never say no to him. Harry's worrying words flash in my mind but I push them aside. Although I should be cautious, I'm curious about what he wants. If he hates Muggleborns, why is he talking to me?

"Sure." I reply, trying to sound just as nonchalant as he did but failing. He smirks.

"Okay, let's go now then." He starts walking down the hallway.

"Um, I have to wait for Billingsgate..." I start but Draco just looks back at me with an eyebrow raised.

"No you don't. Every day you come here you just wait outside for him and when he comes back out he hardly acknowledges you. My lunch is now so we have to leave now or never." He turns back around and continues walking. I hesitate for a moment but despite something in my mind telling me no, I catch up with Draco and walk beside him down the hallway.

He picks a small cafe nestled near the Ministry for us to go to. I recognize other members of the Ministry around so it must be a favorite among them. He sits cool and calm across the table from me while I probably look awkward and nervous.

"Tell me about yourself." He says, placing his folded hands on the table and leaning towards me. I take a sip of coffee, hoping it'll somehow calm my nerves but it doesn't work.

"Well... I was born in London..." I begin but Draco interrupts.

"To Muggle parents?" He asks. I am caught off guard by his question. How did he know if he doesn't remember me from the train platform? How will he react when I say..

"Yes." I prepare for the worst but he just nods and allows me to continue, "I got a letter from Hogwarts when I was young and was sorted into the Hufflepuff house. Well, I guess the rest is boring but I studied hard and, well, I decided to get into the Ministry and here I am." I finish and wait. He nods and stares off for a bit.

"You know most, if not all, Muggleborns would be scared to even talk to me. But not you. You even agreed to coffee with me." He states. I can't tell if he wanted a response but I decide against saying anything more about that. Does he want me to be afraid of him? He chuckles at the silence and changes the subject.

"Why do you agree to always tag along with Billingsgate?" He asks.

"Well he's the Head of Committee and he's been in much longer than I have. I should listen to him."

"Don't you ever stand up for yourself or do you always let others push you around?"

I'm taken aback by his rude question and avoid his eyes. I can't even think of what to say. Of course I don't let others push me around. He just stares at me with that cool, emotionless expression then his attention is drawn to a table nearby. I look over and see 3 people whispering to each other while glancing at Draco. They look angry or scared or maybe both. Draco turns away from them and frowns.

"I should go now. And you should stay away from me." He says, getting up and leaving before I could say goodbye. I watch him leave and turn back to the table of the people staring earlier. They seem tense until he is gone from view and they relax. I knew Draco didn't have the best reputation but the interaction was odd. Why should I stay away from him? And does he really think I let people push me around? Do I?

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