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After the war, Hermione and Ron moved into their own flat to leave the Burrow to Molly, Arthur, and Ginny. It was a practical little place and felt welcoming and warm. Right when Hermione and I walked in, Ron was in the kitchen and handling some pots and pans over the stove. 

"Hello, my love," he says without looking but when he turns and sees me his eyes widen in horror.

"Oh, Hermione why didn't you let me know Y/N was coming? I don't know if I've made enough for all of us!" he exclaims, looking stressed. Hermione and I look at each other and laugh.

"You sounded a bit like Molly right then," I point out. Ron looks up at me and his expression immediately softens. 

"I suppose I did," he laughs, "Anyway, I'm happy to have you over." 

"Yes, we are," she tells me then turns to Ron, "And, darling, there's more than enough, you can just stick to one plate today." She teases affectionately and Ron rolls his eyes before kissing her cheek. Watching them be so loving together makes my heart swell with happiness. After everything that happened to them, they deserved this peace. 

"I'll be right back, Y/N, I need to go put my things away," Hermione says and goes down the hallway. Ron watches her go into a room then rushes over to me. My eyes widen in surprise.

"Hello. Are you okay?" I ask.

"Hello. I'm not okay, though. I'm nervous out of my mind." he says.

"Why-" I begin to ask until Ron pulls out a small box out his jean pocket and opens it. I gasp and he shush's me. In the box is the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. It's not tacky or flashy but it's not plain or overly simple either. It's classic yet unique. It was perfect for Hermione. I cover my mouth with my hand and look up at Ron. 

"Oh my gosh, Ron," I whisper, "When are you going to ask?" 

"I don't know, yet! I held off because of the recent events but I think it really just proves that we can survive anything together," he says dreamily, "Do you think she'll like it?" 

"She'll love it! It's beautiful, Ron. I'm so happy for you." I say. He smiles and when he glances down the hallway, he quickly stuffs the box back in his pocket. I quickly hide my excitement so I don't give anything away. 

"What have you two been talking about?" she asks, totally oblivious to what just happened.

"I was telling Y/N about this funny thing Harry did today," he says, winking slyly at me. He finishes cooking while telling the story and I just let myself feel completely at home with them. Ron places three plates at the table and we all sit down.

"Ron! This is good. Like really good!" I say when I take the first bite. 

"Don't act so surprised, Y/N!" he replies and Hermione laughs. 

"It's okay, I was surprised when he first cooked for me, too," Hermione tells me, rolling her eyes.

"That's not nice, Hermione," Ron frowns but goes back to smiling after another bite. 

"Anyway, Y/N, are you going to tell the story about how you and Draco kissed?" Hermione asks and Ron chokes on his food. It takes a minute of coughing and a drink of water for him to finally clear his throat.

"You kissed Malfoy?" he asks with wide eyes, "...Gross." Hermione shushes him and turns to me, waiting for me to finish. 

"Well he's been really kind to me. And caring since the Ministry incident... He's been making sure I get home safely each night," I say. 

"Gross..." Ron says again and I blush, remembering the night Draco came in. I won't share that with them, that memory is all mine.

"Not like that!" I say and Hermione laughs. 

"How has Harry taken the news?" she asks.

"What news?" I ask.

"That you and Draco are... together," she says and I gasp. 

"Together? I think it's a bit early to make an announcement like that... I mean we are barely going on our first date tomorrow-" Ron chokes on his food again when I say this.

"Malfoy is taking you on a date?!" Ron exclaims and Hermione shushes him again.

"Well anyway, even if it does get serious, Harry seemed to be fine with him recently when we went to Hogwarts," I look to Ron, "Draco doesn't act like the immature bully you grew up with."

"I'll believe it when I see it," he says and I laugh. 

"Draco wasn't a good person then but if he's taking care of you, Y/N, then I can appreciate him for that. And I can be happy for you if he makes you happy. We love you and you being safe and happy is the most important thing to us," Hermione says, reaching over and putting her hand on mine. I smile at her and squeeze her hand.

"Yeah, what she said," Ron agrees. 

"I love you guys, too." I say. We finish our meals and finish the night off talking about work and family and life. It was something I've missed for a long time, just spending time with my friends. When I get home, I feel completely happy and excited for tomorrow. 

This is the ring I was imagining hehe but I kept the description vague so you can imagine whatever ring you want if you don't like this one -> (https://www.kataoka-jewelry.com/en/categories/en-rings/iris-marquise-ring/) 


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