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Upon arriving at the Ministry the next morning, Billingsgate confronted me, looking cross.

"Why weren't you waiting outside for me yesterday?" He asked, looking down at me. I looked up, trying to muster all the courage I had to reply.

"I'm so sorry. Usually, you just leave me outside the door and I didn't think you'd mind if I went a little early..." I start but he holds up his finger to quiet me.

"I know that you think it's impressive that you got into the committee so quickly, but you are still new and I am your superior. You do what I ask you to. Don't forget that," he says. I fight tears and nod, lowering my head. He bends down a bit to look me straight in my eyes.

"Hey, don't worry about it," his demeanor changing from angry to friendly in a split second, "I look forward to seeing you standing outside the door, waiting for me. I would prefer it if you waited around for me, understand?"

"I understand," I reply, refusing to look him in the eyes. He stands next to me for a moment, but when he realizes that I won't look up at him again he walks away. I let out a heavy sigh and feel some relief. Ok, lunch with Draco was a terrible idea. I just won't do it again and I'll be okay. After convincing myself that I am okay, I go back to my office for some research on muggle excuses and past incidents. The busy work keeps my mind off the odd and scary interaction with Billingsgate but soon my mind drifts to Draco. Going out to lunch with a past Death Eater and pureblood supremacist was odd on its own, but there were other things that grabbed my attention. The way he seemed to not care that I was a muggle-born witch. And that he told me to stay away from him. He asks me out then asks me to stay away. I couldn't make sense of any of it. My train of thought is disrupted by a knock at my office door.

"Y/N, session starts in ten minutes." I hear Billingsgate voice through the door. I sigh and get up from my desk. I wasted too much time thinking about Draco and completely lost track of time. I open my door and Billingsgate is standing right outside with a smile on his face.

"I thought we could walk there together." He says.

"Of course." I reply with a polite smile and we make our way to the committee session room.

I didn't bother with contributing much to today's session and I don't think many noticed. I listened and nodded approval or shook my head in disapproval when appropriate but other than that I tried to stay quiet this session. Billingsgate would glance over sometimes but I would ignore him completely.

Despite my lack of participation and to my dismay, Billingsgate still invited me to the Obliviator Headquarters. That means I will definitely see Draco again and I will definitely have to wait outside the office again.

"Why were you so quiet during session today, Y/N?" Billingsgate asks without an ounce of kindness in his voice. I could already tell he wasn't trying to have a friendly conversation, he was disappointed.

"I felt I didn't have anything helpful to contribute this time." I say hoping that answer will satisfy him.

"If you feel you aren't ready to be in the committee, we can arrange for you to fulfill a position that is more your skill range," he says, without even looking at me. A wave of panic spreads through me. Is he trying to threaten me?

"No! I mean.. no that won't be necessary. I'll be more helpful next time, truly. Today was just an off day." I say, my pace quickening to keep up with Billingsgate's long strides. He walks into Fudgel's office and shuts the door in my face without replying. I'm devastated. How could it go so wrong so fast at my job? I've only been here for a few weeks. I can't get moved out of the committee, it would be an embarrassment. I worked so hard to get here...

"Ready for lunch again today?" says a familiar voice and I look up and Draco is standing beside me, smiling. When he meets my eyes his smile fades but he doesn't ask me what's wrong.

"You ask me to stay away from you and now you want to go again?" I ask coldly, looking back down.

"Well actually I just said that you should stay away from me, I didn't ask you to stay away." he replies. His words are playful but his tone isn't. If I didn't know any better, I would think he sounded worried.

"I can't leave. I got scolded after I left with you yesterday and my job was threatened. I can't go with you." I say. I'm not sure why I decided to be so transparent with him. I didn't want him to feel guilty but I wanted him to feel that he should probably just leave me alone as well. I glanced up at him and he frowned into the door as if he could see through it at Billingsgate.

"Maybe we could go after then.." He begins gently but I interrupt him.

"Why exactly are you talking to me Draco? What do you want from me?" He smirks at my sudden burst of boldness but he's undaunted by it.

"Isn't that what colleagues do, Y/N? Talk?" He asks, looking down at me with a lifted eyebrow. Before I can respond, Billingsgate walks out of the office and stands, for a split moment, shocked that Draco and I are talking.

"Malfoy" Billingsgate greets him bluntly.

"Billingsgate" Draco greets in reply and nods at me politely. I give him a small smile before Billingsgate grabs my upper arm and guides me away down the hallway. Before I turn away completely, I see Draco staring at Billingsgate's hand gripping my arm and looking upset. Angry.

"So, Y/N, do you know Malfoy?" He asks, loosening his grip on my arm. I see the opportunity to pull my arm away from him and take it. I hate that he touches me whenever he feels like it. He had no right to guide me away like I'm a child. No right.

"We went to Hogwarts together." I reply.

"I know you're a smart girl, Y/N, so I know that you already know what he thinks of you. To him, you're just a muggle-born, a mudblood." He says. I stop in my tracks and cringe at the use of that word. I'm shocked, disturbed.

"Excuse me?" I say, taking a step back from him and staring at him with wide eyes.

"Now, now. I would never call you that, I'm simply saying that's what he thinks of you." He says and smiles at me although I see no trace of kindness in it.

"I have to go now." I blurt out after a few moments of silence and hurry off, not knowing if I can control my emotions any longer. As I walk away, it feels as if I can feel his eyes on me.

"See you tomorrow morning, Y/N." Billingsgate calls out after me.

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