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"Hotch!" You screamed. Smoke filled the air and you ran aimlessly trying to find him. Your body felt so heavy but you kept pushing. You screamed again and a tree fell to the ground. You tripped over it and fell through the ground. Hotch was laying in a field and you ran to him but every step you took moved him further away. You fell to the ground and it felt as if everything in your body burst. "Aaron! Please! Where are you?!" Your screams shattered the walls now surrounding you. "Y/N?" A voice called from behind you and you wiped around to see the face of your father. "Daddy?" He walked closer to you and you feel cold. "What's happening?" You beg him for an answer but he just holds your face in his hands. "I love you jellybean," he says before he fades away. A cry escapes your lips and suddenly Hotch is holding you in his arms. "He's gone." You scream into his chest and you gasp for air, feeling completely winded. "I know, Y/N, I know." Hotch holds onto you tightly.

You jolt awake with tears streaming from your face and check the time to see a missed phone call from your mother. There's a voicemail telling you to call her back the moment you get it. You call her back immediately and she picks up on the first ring.

"Y/N I need you to come home. Somethings happened," she says with a strained voice and you can tell she's been crying.

"Is it dad?" You ask, your voice filled with dread.

"How'd you know?" She asked almost hesitant to answer the question. A single tear rolled down your cheek and you felt your heart sink to your stomach.

"I'm on my way," You said before hanging up. The tears began to flow and you knew they weren't going to stop for a long time.


"Y/N I'd like to come with you to offer support," said Aaron who had met you at your apartment the second you texted him the news about needing to go home.

"It's not necessary, Aaron." You said as you packed a bag of clothing for the trip. It pained you when you folded a black dress up and placed it in your duffel bag.

"Regardless of it being necessary or not I know you need the support," said Aaron using a soft voice. He walked over to you and gave you a hug. You collapsed into his arms and sobbed. He held you and didn't say a word, just rubbing your back.

The two of you loaded your things into his car and he typed your parents address into his phone.

"Why don't you try and get some rest?" Aaron suggested to you as he pulled out of the apartments parking. You shrugged your shoulders and tried to bunch up in your seat. After a few attempts you gave up and decided to stay awake.

Everything I Am Is Yours by Villagers began to play on the radio and you smile to yourself. Hotch turns the radio up and you began to sing.

"I am just a man tipping on the wire..." Your voice is slightly raspy from still being sleepy and it being two in the morning but you still sing anyways.

"Your voice is pretty," said Aaron with a small smile on his face. You turn to him and laugh.

"I don't think anyone has ever told me that," you say. You pull the sleeves of your sweatshirt down over your hands and fold them in your lap. Hotch looks over at you and you feel butterflies come alive in your stomach.

Then it hits you on why you're in the car with him and tears begin to surface in your eyes. You can't hold them back and they spill down your cheeks. You try your best to wipe them away but give up because your skin is becoming agitated.

"Y/N I'm so sorry," Aaron says and reaches over to you to place a hand on your thigh. It's warm and comforting and it helps calm your nerves down.

"Thank you for coming with me," you say to him. He smiles and nods to you and the two of you pull into your parents driveway. You immediately jump out of the car and run into the house.

Your mother is sat on the couch with your sister who is sobbing. Soda, your cat, was laying on Sophie's lap doing they're best to comfort Sophie. You ran over to your family and hugged them. A giant sob leaving your lips when your mothers arms wrapped around you.

Hotch walked in a few moments after with your bags and set them down next to the door. He stood by the door way and did his best to control his emotions.

"Momma this is Aaron, my boss and he's here to help out with anything you need okay?" you said to her and she kissed your forehead.

"I want the two of you to go on up to the guest bedroom and set him up and let him sleep baby. Ill get some tea going for you while you do that and then we'll talk." Your mom said with a weak smile. You nodded and lead Aaron up to the guest room.

Aaron doesn't hold back and gives you another hug the second that you enter the room.

"Y/N I just need you to know that I'm going to be here the whole time. I know this is going to be hard but I've already let the team know we'll be away for a while." Aaron told you, still holding you in a hug. You took a deep breath and the smell of earth filled your lungs. Aaron smelled like walking deep through a forest that was damp and soft. It was a comforting smell.

"Thank you," you said to him. You left the room and went to the kitchen where your mother sat with two cups of tea.

You prepared yourself for the conversation you were about to have.

"The hospital has given me news that it was a car accident. He lost control of the wheel."


i'm sorry 🥺🥺 i was sad and i just needed to write and this is what was produced

edited. word count (1063)

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