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"You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring." -H.E.R.

    Three Years Later

"Jack do you want to hold, Thea?" Aaron asked. Jack jumped up from the chair and walked over to you and Aaron.

He extended his arms and Aaron showed him how to properly hold Thea.

You smiled at your husband and step-son as they cooed your daughter.

Three years ago if someone had told you that you'd be married to Aaron Hotchner and having his baby you simply wouldn't believe it.

Aaron smiled back at you and planted a kiss on your forehead. Thea began to cry and Jack looked up at Aaron in concern.

"Let's give her back to mommy okay?"

"Okay daddy," said Jack and he handed Thea back to you.

You looked down at your daughter and rocked her into a sleep. She had eyes identical to yours but so many other features were Aaron's.

Guess the Hotchner's have some strong genes.


The team gathered around the living room as you and Aaron held Thea. Dave stepped forward and handed Aaron a gift. It was a rather expensive baby carrier and you both thanked him for his generosity.

Emily and JJ gave you a bottle of wine and giggled and you rolled your eyes at the pair. They also gave you a onesies that said "Daddy's girl" on it.

Thea most definitely was a daddies girl alright. At night when she cried Aaron was typically the one to calm her down and she was always giggling and smiling at him.

Spencer gave you an assortment of pacifiers and instructed you on the best way to clean them.

Morgan ruffled your hair when he handed Aaron his gift and congratulated you. His gift was a giant photo album that already had a few pictures of you and Aaron but the rest was empty for everything to come in the future.

"Thank you guys so much it means everything to us," you said after everyone had found a seat in the living room.

"If you ever need a babysitter than JJ, Emily, and I are on it!" Garcia said and you giggled. Her gift had been a big pink stuffed teddy bear.

Jack came running downstairs with Henry, a kid that JJ and Emily had adopted a year ago, and Jack nuzzled himself into Aaron.

"What's up kiddo?" He asked.

"We heard a scary sound!" Henry said as he squished himself between Emily and JJ.

"And what was that sound, buddy?" JJ asked Henry. She stroked his hair in an attempt to calm her child.

"A duck!" Answered Jack and you tried to muffle your laugh.

Derek and Dave weren't as successful in their attempt and they burst out laughing.

"Oh well you're safe now," said Aaron. The kids nodded in agreement and everyone laughed.


Later that night after everyone had left and Jack and Thea were tucked in bed you laid down with Aaron in your bed.

"Do I ever tell you how much I love you?" Aaron asked.

"Hmm maybe not enough. I think you should tell me," you said tapping your chin. He laughed and kissed your forehead.

"Well I love your face, your voice, your hair and your eyes. I love how strong you are and how you are the sweetest person I've ever met. I love how good of a mom you are to Jack and Thea and I love how supportive you are to this family and the team. I love everything about you and it's damn near impossible to put it into words."

You smiled from ear to ear and kissed Aaron. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in closely to him.

As you drifted off into sleep you thought of how lucky you were to have this family.

How lucky you were to have Aaron, Thea, Jack and the team. How lucky you were to be alive and healthy and raising your baby.

You thought back to three years ago when you walked into the BAU for a job interview and how now in present time you were laying in the arms of your soulmate with your two beautiful children sleeping soundly in their rooms.

"I love you," you said to Aaron.

"I love you too."

The End.



This is the end of Illicit Affairs and i just want to thank everyone that's read this book, who's voted and who's left comments you mean the absolute world to me!!!

i will be writing an epilogue and if you all really really want a sequel i can try and make one but for now this book is done 🥺🥺🥺

again i thank you all for the tremendous love and support with this book!! i love each and every one of you.

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