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"We accept the love we think we deserve." -Stephen Chbosky

You awoke alone in your bed, a shiver going down your spine as the memories of what happened the night before played back in your mind.

I truly mean nothing to him.

It's not like you were in love with Aaron or anything but your relationship was so different from any relationship you'd ever had before.

It made sense that he didn't care for you afterwards, he was angry and upset with you and he had a valid reason for it.

You had gone into the building alone, unarmed and unprotected and the situation was extremely dangerous. He had every right to be angry with you, yet it still hurt that your boss practically used your body as an outlet for his anger.

Your legs swung over the side of your bed and you walked over to your bathroom, closing the door behind to trap the heat.

You turned the water on and undressed in front of the mirror, a single tear rolling down your check. There were markings up and down your body and you winched when you touched your wrists from where his belt had wrapped around so tightly.

You wiped the tear away with frustration and pulled the curtain back, stepping into the shower hoping to wake yourself up and wash away the feelings of disgust for yourself.

Why did you ever think he'd care? He's flirted with you ever since you'd had sex. God Y/N you're so stupid.

The water was scolding hot but you ignored it as you ran the wash cloth over your skin. You wanted the markings gone more than anything and you hoped that if the water was hot enough they'd just disappear.

Once the water started to turn cold you turned the faucet off and stepped out of the shower. There was a layer of steam on the mirror and you wiped your hand over it to see your face.

Your eyes were a little puffy and red and there was a bruise on your neck from where Hotch had choked you the night before.

A little fountain and one scarf later and the bruises and hickies were no longer visible. You finished your morning routine and started your car, heading to the bau not ready for the confrontation.

"Hey Y/N!" Garcia gleamed at you but all that you could manage was a weak smile while you headed over to your desk that had a pile of papers stacked to the brim.

"Yo, baby mama, what's going on?" Derek asked propping his leg up on the desk.

"Just had a rough night," you answered, not looking up for you fear that you'd begin crying. Hotch was already in his office, his blinds open, busy writing something.

"Did you know that 30% of adults in the Untied States suffer from insomnia which leads to a 75 to 90% of increased risk of medical disorders such as hypoxemia, GSD, and pain conditions?" Spencer told the team with a smile on his face. Derek rolled his eyes and got up from your desk.

"Pretty boy do you know this because you're in the 30 percent?" Derek asked while laughing. He ruffled Spencer's hair and Spencer pushed his hand away.

"You're so funny," Spencer rolled his eyes and JJ appeared at the top of the steps.

"Round table, we've got a case," she said before she walked back into the room. Everyone stood from their desks and followed each other up the steps.

You sat in the chair closet to the door and Hotch sat directly across from you, closer to the screen.

"We've received an anonymous tip on child molestation in La Plata County in Colorado. We'll debrief more on the jet but for now, wheels up in thirty," said Hotch before gathering papers and walking off to his office.


Once everyone was on the jet and had gone over the files themselves, Garcia popped in with insightful information.

"Hello my fine furry friends, I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want to hear first?" Garcia asked, her fuzzy pink pen hanging from her mouth.

"Babygirl why don't you give us the good and then the bad news but make it all better with your beautiful face," answered Derek as he set his file down on his lap.

"Alright my strong beautiful chocolate thunder, it has been set up that we can send in two agents however you'll have to be unarmed. It has to be completely undercover, no vests or guns." Garcia tells the group and a layer of fear settles over them.

"I'll go," you chime in. If they truly were molesting children then you wanted to be the first person to stop them. Everyone looked over to you and you shrugged your shoulders giving them the exact same answer you'd given yourself for taking the risk.

"I'll go with you," a deep voice answered. Your eyes snapped over to Hotch and your heart sank to your stomach.

"What about Emily? Don't you think they'd be more comfortable with just women?" You asked frantically. You didn't want to be stuck in a room with Hotch alone, not after the way he treated you the other day.

"Y/N as the unit chief of this team I make the decisions and I have decided I will be going with you," Hotch said, his voice laced with anger and dominance.

"Yes sir," you answered sliding back into your seat. That's the first thing he's said to you directly since the words "Get out" had left his mouth.

The plane was getting ready to land and everyone braced themselves for whatever may happen within the next few hours.


Hotch took the gun from his hip off its holster and reached down to remove the gun around his leg. He sat them both down on a table the team had set up about a mile away from the building the unsub was in. He was dressed casually, a plain blue shirt and a pair of slacks.

You wore a white collared shirt and black slacks that matched your heels. You had done a little bit of makeup but not too much, trying to look as professional as possible. Once you and Hotch were both ready you got into one of the SUV's and drove down to the building.

"We stick together. You got that?" Hotch asked but it wasn't really a question. You nodded and an uneasy feeling gathered in your stomach.

When you knocked on the door to be let in a man greeted you and you offered a smile.

"Who are you?" The man asked.

"My name is Doctor Y/N Y/L/N. I talked to someone earlier about coming today," you answered. The team decided you would take the lead in this investigation.

"Come in doctor," the man said, stepping to the side. A smirk tugged at his face and the uneasy feeling you had grew.

The door closed behind you and you heard it lock.

"What about my partner?" You asked when you noticed Hotch wasn't in the room with you.

"Ive got to check you independently. I'll let him in when I'm done with you," said the man who reached his hands out to your body.



okay so this will be spilt up into two parts and i'm going to start writing the second one now but here's something to read while you wait :)))

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