Chapter 1

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Its strange how things happen in this world for a reason, and when these things do happen everything or something changes. Either its how you feel, how you think, or even how you act.

-Matty's POV

"Romeo, Romeo, for-arthou- I can't fucking do this! Why am I the girl any way?!" Carter yelled, throwing the script on my bed, behind him.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at my best friend, since birth.

"Come on, this time I didn't laugh, that counts for something, right?" he scowled, looking down at me with his deep blue eyes, like a knife. "Come on Carter, you know you liked it, confessing your love to me." I teased, wiggling my eyebrows with a stupid face, I knew he hated it. Lifting my head off his lap I sat Indian style in front of him.

"Whatever, can we move on?" He asked laying on his side, pulling an arm under his head, ruffling his pitch black hair, closing his eyes. I already knew why, it was late, and he was tired we both were. Good thing its the weekend.

"Fine, hang on." I said, rustling the pages turning to find a easy part to practice.

I didn't know why I was doing this, I hated drama class, but my dad says doing these things will get me credits for collage, which I need since I am a Junior. And all I ever do anymore is listen to my dad and every command he gives me. Either its to join a new sport, or do a stuid play. Just to get noticed.

I found the perfect part I knew would torture Carter, and in my point of view was more fun then playing Xbox. I looked over to him, opening my mouth to say something but was cut off by the sleeping boy laying in front of me.

I sighed, shacking my head scooting closer to him, without making a sound. I looked at his soft face.

I've known Carter Mathews my whole life, if I had to pin point when we met I couldn't, he's just always been there. I can't help but love him...As a brother of course. I'm surprised he agreed to do this, but he's easy to persuade, when you bribe him of course.

I smiled to myself and moved his bangs from his forehead. "So damn adorable." I mumbled softly. I froze my hand softly touching his straightened hair. "Did I just say that?" I mumbled a little too loudly, causing Carter to move onto his back.

I held my breath praying to God he didn't hear me, thankfully he just took a deep breath and laid still as a rock.

'Thank God.' I thought to myself not wanting to risk being loud again... I looked back at his face, hovering above him. To the point were if he was awake he would push me away, for being to close. I fixed my glasses to make sure they didn't slid off my face, and slap him.

I sighed, again. "Carter...Come on, Carter~" I whispered in his ear. "Carter I swear, I will go full Romeo, if you don't wake up..." I got nothing, I swear if I have to carry him to the guest room again, I'm gonna kill him. And it won't be with some stupid poison. I got even closer to his face, the feeling of his breath hit me, softly. The smell of watermelon lingered on his breath from the sucker I bought him after school. The one thing I knew he was addicted to.

I poked his cheek, hoping for a response. But still.


Okay, but remember you asked for it...

-Carter's POV

I sat in the car listening to my parents fighting, I knew it wasn't going to end because it never does, they'll yell back and forth until we make it home. I turned my head from my window for a split second, only to see a large truck driving towards us. I gasped. Grabbing the back of the drivers seat I yell;

"DAD! WATCH THE ROAD!" But it was to late, the light from the truck blinded me, closing my eyes and shielding myself, everything goes black.

"Oh here will I set up my everlasting rest-"

'Matty?' I hear him, but I can't see him. 'Matty?!'

"And shack the yoke of inauspicious stars from the world-wearied flesh-
Eyes look your last. Arms take your last embrace. And lips, O you, the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss a dateless bargain to engrossing death."

I open my tear filled eyes from the dream, my vision coming back slowly, straighten out my sight I see Matty above me. Sitting up fast we meet, unexpectedly.

I freeze as his soft lips pressed to mine, for a second I felt myself grow hot in the face. Widening his gaze, Matty pulls away, shocked as I was. We said nothing to each other, it was a painful silents that filled the atmosphere.

"Uh..." Is all that I could express, my heart pounded like a drum and it was ready to blow. I wanted to get up, but I was trapped by his hands on both sides of me. The door to the small bedroom opened, we both lost contact and moved our attention to the short dirty blonde haired person in the door way.

"Wow...If I'm interrupting something, I can tell Carter's Grandma she'll have to wait." Kale, Matty's little sister said, looking almost as shocked as us.

Matty stood up, extending a hand to me, keeping his eyes to the ground. I hesitantly took his hand, standing up I grabbed my jacket that sat at the end of his bed next to the script, rushing past Kale I went down stairs to the living room to see my Grandma drinking tea with Matty's mother; or Mrs.Connors as I always called her, looked up at me with a smile, as she stood up, cleaning the table. I changed my expression to a smile.

"Ready to go dear?" Grandma asked setting her cup of tea down. I nodded and walked to the door opening it for her.

"Bye Carter, Mrs.Mathews." Matty's mom said, waving goodbye.

"Bye, dearie." Grandma closed the front door and I walked as fast as I could without slipping on the icy ground. I sat in the passengers seat as Grandma sat in the drivers.

"Are you OK, Carter?" Grandma looked me in the eyes with worry, she always knew what I was feeling without even saying a word. I guess that's what makes us so close.

I put on a convincing smile "Yeah, I'm OK." She nods, starting the truck.

Before taking off I took a short glimpse up at Matty's bedroom window. He stood there looking at me, even from the foggy window, I could still see his lime green eyes, and dark brown hair. I looked away, taking a deep breath, shutting my eyes tightly.

I was always told; kissing the same sex and liking it was a sin. Who knew it would have been my first sin to ever commit?


Hey we hope you enjoyed the first chapter to "Not Romeo And Juliet" Please continue soon to the next chapter, We'll update evert Thursday or Friday. 


        - Izzy & Ally

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